
Friday, June 4, 2010

Could Flotilla Be Start of Magog War?

We have been watching for Russia, Iran, Turkey coalition for quite some time. This was all prophesied in Ezekiel 38-39. But it's amazing to watch just how quickly Turkey turned on Israel and has been running for the West and into the hands of Iran and their Muslim brothers.

But now even the Jews are beginning to wonder if this latest flotilla disaster may be the start of the Magog war.

Pastor Greg Laurie explains:

"What does this mean to us? A lot. When Magog and her allies attack Israel, God will intervene and decimate the armies of Magog and its allies. Because of this, the Bible tells us, the Jewish people will give glory to God. Today, many Israelis are atheists. Certainly you will find very few Jewish people who believe in Jesus as their Messiah, although there are some. But they do have a determination to return to their homeland. They realize that they can look to no other nation for their protection or security and have returned to Israel, thus fulfilling prophecy from Scripture. But when the Holy Spirit is poured out on Israel after God drives back the invading armies of Magog, the Bible predicts there will be a revival in which numerous Jewish people will come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah," Laurie explained.

"Events predicted in the Bible that have already transpired include Israel's scattering; Israel's regathering; Israel's regaining of Jerusalem; Israel's isolation; and Israel's being attacked. The Bible tells us that the final conflict of humanity will be centered on Jerusalem and the Middle East," he said.

"It is really amazing when you think about the fascination with Jerusalem and Israel, yet it was predicted long ago. God has promised a blessing for those who bless Israel, and a curse on those who don't," Laurie said.

"Could these events from our headlines of today explode and culminate in the scenario we read about in the Bible? Yes, they could. Will they? I don't know. We have to be very careful in interpreting current events," Laurie said.

"But this I do know: Jesus Christ is coming back. It could happen at any time. It could happen this year or this month or this week. It could happen today," said Laurie

See it here;

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