
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Flotilla Insanity Worsens

The insanity continues as the world grows more blind to the Satanic propaganda attacks against Israel.

Here is the simple question you can ask anyone at the water cooler if you get into this discussion; If these are truly humanitarian vessels carrying peace loving people....why don't they just land in Israel and let Israel take their supplies overland down the road to Gaza?

Remember friends, Israel isn't saying the boats can't land in Israel...they are saying you can't have Arab-terrorist-organizers put together a "humanitarian aid" flotilla and be expected to drive their ships right into downtown Gaza and deliver "stuff" to Israel's prime enemy Hamas without Israel inspecting it first!

It is SO simple...SO logical.

I'm happy to report that Vice President Joe Biden is with us on this simple fact. He pretty much said exactly the same thing I just said above while being interviewed last night on the Charlie Rose Show. Maybe this fact will stave off our own destruction if the VP continues to keep his head on straight regarding Israel.

And now Ireland is going to join the insanity as they are going to attempt to drive a boat full of cement and toys (OK...if that's all it is, then show it to Israel) directly to Gaza. Also notice the name of the's named after a famous woman who committed suicide while standing in front of Israeli bulldozers. Wow....that sounds provocative.

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - As an Irish ship carrying humanitarian aid continues to sail for Gaza, Ireland has found itself hurled to the forefront of tensions between Israel and the European Union.

On Wednesday (2 June), the Irish government warned Israel for a second time to let the boat, whose passengers count among their number five Irish nationals, including a former UN deputy secretary general and a Northern Irish Nobel peace prize laureate, carry on to its destination and deliver its cargo without hindrance.

The Irish Taoiseach, or prime minister, Brian Cowen said that the ship, which he described as Irish-owned, should be allowed to complete its mission, telling the country's parliament that Dublin has been in close contact with the boat, the MV Rachel Corrie, named after an American university student and peace activist who was killed by an Israeli army bulldozer while attempting to prevent the demolition of a Palestinian home in 2003.

Speaking from the ship, the former UN senior official, Denis Halliday, also suggested the EU could go further, saying he would like to see the EU and the US support Dublin's demand that Israel allow the Rachel Corrie unmolested passage.

"We feel that, like the UN, the EU has failed the Palestinians and we feel that the EU could
exert more pressure in terms of trade links, which the Israelis are very dependent on," he said.

Did you catch that?....more pressure on Israel....coming from Ireland...issued from Brussels.

Do you think it's a coincidence that Ireland may soon be more bankrupt and filled with social unrest than Greece is? Do you think it's a coincidence that just yesterday Brussels had their credit rating downgraded?

See the Ireland ship article here;

See the Brussels downgraded credit rating article here;

I wonder if God will put pressure on their countries as they put pressure on God's country?

I also wonder why all these peace loving people don't attempt to sail all this humanitarian aid to their poor brothers and sisters in North Korea who have been starving and suffering for decades...with NO ONE to support them?


  1. Supreme Leader: Annihilation of Zionist Regime Imminent
    TEHRAN (FNA)- Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei stressed that the Zionist regime is moving on a precipice towards demise and it will soon experience annihilation.

  2. Rabbis: Flotilla Clash Similar to Gog and Magog Prophecy
    The Rabbis are waking up, they sould also consider
    First (Isaiah 17:1) (Pslam 83) (Amos 1:3)
