
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Wedge of Jerusalem

Israel is splattered all over the news absolutely everywhere you look. It certainly has become a "cup of trembling" as the nations try and figure out what to do with that tiny country.

In the most recent TIME magazine the feature story is on the relationship between Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and our own President Obama.

It's not good....which unless something changes drastically all US citizens will suffer for the actions of our leaders as God WILL, "curse those who curse you."

As you read the article you will discover there is hardly any common ground between these two men. Netanyahu is a military mindset who understands the face of evil and will not let his Jewish nation be dragged to the gas chambers EVER again.

Obama, on the other hand, is a liberal college professor type who believes that if you are nice enough to a skunk and heap enough praise and kibbles onto it....that it will change it's stripe.

As one Labor Party speaker in Israel said, "You cannot stitch together the world visions of Obama and Netanyahu. This is a clash of the psychological infrastructure."

It's interesting that Netanyahu and Obama were supposed to be meeting today but the Arab flotilla crisis forced the cancellation of the meeting....and probably more damaged the relations between Obama and Bibi.

You can read the article here;,8599,1992200,00.html

Now listen closely to this prophetic sentence plucked from the article;

But dozens of interviews with the two leaders' closest advisers, some speaking only on condition of anonymity, reveal the relationship's limits and how the wedge of Jerusalem is deepening the divide between them. Some observers question whether they can communicate should a crisis arise.

Remember that Jerusalem IS the apple of God's eye....and anybody who sticks a finger in God's eye will be torn to pieces. Our President is currently walking on VERY thin ice. And looking at who Obama's pastor was for the past 20 years (anti-Semite Jeremiah Wright)....I would guess that Obama is 100% clueless on how his actions may lead to his destruction...and to ours.

Keep praying that Obama's eyes would be opened to the God of Israel, Isaac and Jacob.

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