Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Bibi Meets Barack

Readers of this blog know that all eyes are on Israel. It is the epicenter of what is happening today and will be the epicenter of all that happens in the future...up to and including the time when Jesus returns at the end of The Tribulation and sits on David's throne to usher in The Thousand Year Reign.

That being said, there are no less than three articles in today's Wall Street Journal that have something to do with Israel. Simply more confirmation that we are in the season.

One of them is titled, "WHEN BIBI MET BARACK (TAKE FOUR)"

The article starts with some pretty good news concerning the U.S.-Israeli relationship.

Of all the diplomatic noises heard during Benjamin Netanyahu's meeting yesterday with President Obama, the most significant may have been the clicking cameras of the White House press pool. Unlike at their last two encounters—both closed to the media—the Israeli Prime Minister is at last being accorded the ordinary courtesies granted to visiting foreign leaders.

It's good to see Mr. Obama finally treating a key American ally as something other than a pariah. The President even went one better, calling America's bond with Israel "unbreakable," cautioning Palestinians to avoid seeking "opportunities to embarrass Israel," and rejecting suggestions that there had ever been any strain in his relationship with his Israeli counterpart.

But then it quickly turns to concerning news about Obama and Israel;

That was the case when Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005: It received nothing from the Palestinians but got a written commitment by President Bush that the U.S. would not expect Israel to withdraw to its pre-1967 borders (themselves the product of a 1949 armistice agreement) in any future settlement with the Palestinians. Yet Secretary of State Hillary Clinton disavowed that commitment last year, saying Mr. Bush's pledge "did not become part of the official position of the United States government."

The same goes for the Administration's surprise decision in May to support a U.N. resolution that demanded Israel's nuclear disarmament while making no mention of Iran, a vote that contravened a decades-old understanding regarding Israel's nuclear posture.

And then it turns downright bad;

Mr. Obama's tilt against Israel has also been noticed by the Palestinians, who take it as reason to hope that they can hold out for even better negotiating terms. The Administration's overwrought reaction to the March housing announcement sparked some politically opportunistic rioting by Palestinians that might have led to a third bloody intifada. As it is, since Mr. Obama came to office the Palestinians have retreated to "proximity talks" mediated by U.S. emissary George Mitchell instead of dealing directly with the Israelis, a retreat from the practice of the previous 16 years. The Palestinians are no fools: They know how to push a friendly U.S. Administration to push Israel.

See it here;

Ouch! Pushing and pressing Israel and having Team Obama come up with swell ideas on how to divide Jerusalem and Israel....that sounds like a recipe for disaster! One that Obama would have absolutely no understanding of or even belief in.

Why? Because I would bet one U.S. dollar that Obama doesn't meditate daily on the Word of would have no idea of the significance of Israel...or the season we are in.

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