
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Follow Up on NASA and Muslims

On July 7, we did a post called NASA and Muslims....which you can click and read now if you didn't read it then.

This post is a follow up to it...because of course the White House will need to do "clarify" what the NASA head had "actually" heard from Obama.

Yep....I get it.

WASHINGTON, July 12, 2010 (Reuters) — White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said on Monday that NASA administrator Charles Bolden was wrong to say that reaching out to the Muslim world was a top priority of the U.S. space agency.

Bolden raised eyebrows in the space community and outrage among conservative pundits by telling Al-Jazeera television recently President Barack Obama had instructed him to work for better outreach with the Muslim world.

He said Obama told him one of his top priorities was to "find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math and engineering." (Oh yeah....back to that whole participation ribbon thing...where everyone gets a ribbon!!)

The White House last week sought to clarify Bolden's comment, saying Obama wanted NASA to engage with the world's best scientists and engineers from countries like Russia and Japan, Israel and many Muslim-majority countries.

That failed to end the controversy.

Gibbs, at his daily news briefing, was asked why Bolden had made the comment.
"It's an excellent question, and I don't think -- that was not his task, and that's not the task of NASA," Gibbs said.

See it here;

In the past few days, angry Muslims blew up and killed 80 people watching the World Cup in Uganda. On that same day angry Muslims also blew up and killed a few hundred in Pakistan as they just went about their daily business....and that was other Muslims they killed!!

With angry, apocalyptic Muslims running all over Africa, the Middle East, Indonesia, Europe, America and South there anyone who truly believes that Muslims are going to be big contributors to the NASA space project?

Also if there are top scientists in the Muslim world who NASA could recruit to work on space missions.... I wonder where they went to college? I wonder if every top scientist currently in the Muslim world was educated somewhere in The West?

I'm gonna bet a dollar that they were.

Of course, if we educated a super bright Muslim from Egypt in rocket science....and he has shown a love for America and wants to work for NASA rather than the N0-SPACE-PROGRAM Egyptians...then let NASA hire him if he passes all the FBI checks.

But I sure hope the country of Egypt doesn't receive a NASA-PARTICIPATION-RIBBON from Team Obama simply because NASA has a scientist who was born in Egypt but educated in the USA!

That would seem silly.

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