
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Obama Nominates a Jew

Not sure what to make of this news. On the one hand Obama realizes talent when he sees it, and this Jew named Jack Lew (yes, I rhymes) worked budget magic for Bill Clinton...and Team Obama is in desperate need of some magic.

Also, Obama knows he needs to keep courting the U.S. Jewish population which votes Democrat...and may be falling away fast from Team Obama as they hear from their Israeli relatives...who by a vast majority can't stand Obama.

Or, maybe God wants to save the USA from financial destruction and has plans to insert one of His chosen people to come and restore confidence to the U.S. budget?

We will need to watch this one closely.

Here is the headline today;

Obama Asks Religious Jew to Cure $1 Trillion Budget Disease

U.S. President Barack Obama has nominated Deputy Secretary of State Jacob (Jack) Lew, a religious Jew, as his new director of a budget that suffers from a budget deficit approaching $1.3 trillion. The appointment must be confirmed by the Senate, which may question Lew whether he can function while observing the Sabbath.

One story making the rounds in the United States is that Lew, when he was director for the Office of Management and Budget for former U.S. President Bill Clinton, refused to answer an urgent phone call from the president on the Sabbath, when using the phone is prohibited except in life-saving situations.

As Clinton's budget director, Lew performed the rare feat of operating three budgets without increasing the national deficit.

"If there was a Hall of Fame for budget directors, then Jack Lew surely would have earned a place for his service in that role under President Clinton, when he helped balance the federal budget after years of deficits," President Obama said.

Lew left the Clinton administration with a record $236 million budget surplus but now inherits a whopping $1 trillion deficit for the first nine months of 2010, and it may reach $1.3 trillion by the end of the year.

See it here;

Also remember that the religious Jews are going to fall for the Antichrist and his plans at first...following the rapture of the church. It won't be until he has access to the Third Temple and declares himself to be God that they will realize they have been duped.

If Obama is, in fact, a foreshadowing of the wouldn't surprise me at all to see him surround himself with Jews in an attempt to bring back his sliding popularity and public confidence.

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