
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Empty Store Shelves

Of course none of us KNOW for sure how things are going to unravel and America....but more and more folks who are plugged into the Word of God are coming to the conclusion that they are unraveling...and it could happen VERY fast.

Jesus said that the end will come like a flood. It's possible that the end of America will also happen very quickly and in a very dramatic way.

And this recently released video may be a foreshadowing of what is coming for us IF the world loses confidence in the U.S. dollar.

Last spring a water main broke out in Massachusetts and when the order went out that people needed to boil their water or risk getting sick....there was a run on the grocery stores for bottled water.

As the video points was amazing to see how quickly people turn into animals when you threaten their necessities.

See video here;

Notice how the video says it would be a good idea to have 6 months of supplies on hand for your family to survive a hyperinflation in the U.S. They also say to plant a garden so you have some source of food. I guess that would work if it was spring or summer....but how about if it's in Minnesota in the dead of winter?

As Christians, I don't believe we are called to sell our stuff and move to Montana and live in a cave waiting for Jesus to come. I have an idea that folks that do that would be spoken of by Jesus in the parable of the talents. Those folks were the ones who were given one talent and then buried it....returning nothing for the Master....and in turn receiving no praises from the Master.

But maybe we are called to see the signs of the times and invest our resources when the Master does come he will tell us, "Well done good and faithful servant."

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