
Monday, July 12, 2010

Turkey Adopts Hamas Agenda

OK, we know that Hamas is the political party that took control of the Gaza strip. If you read the political agenda of Hamas you will quickly realize that they are some of them most hateful, anti-Semites in the world.

This fact alone shouldn't surprise you....since the Arabs have successfully convinced the people living in Gaza that their problems are all caused by the Israeli "occupation" it would be only natural after 40+ years of telling this lie, that most of the folks hearing it would believe it.

But if this next report coming out of the Middle East turns out to be true...the situation in Israel could get dicier by the day.

ANKARA [MENL] -- The Islamist government of Turkish Prime Minister RecepErdogan has adopted the agenda of the Hamas regime in the Gaza Strip, asenior analyst said.

Soner Cagaptay, a senior researcher at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said Erdogan and his supporters have become the leading supporters of Hamas in the Middle East. In an analysis that appeared in the Turkish media, Cagaptay said Erdogan's Justice and Development Party has led the new Turkish policy of embracing Hamas and other Islamic regimes in the region.

Wow!! Turkey has become the leading supporters of Hamas?? We will need to verify this in the next few days of news cycle, but this could be simply amazing.

Hat tip to Tom.


  1. This girl won't be surprised. I’ll be right behind then and I’m looking forward to the ride!

  2. Hi Dennis,

    Here are some gems from the Libyan news agency. Have a look at their site
    They have some good stuff on their aid ship going to Gaza.

    Looks Like Put is making military friends with the Armies of the North

    Serbia, Libya to improve bilateral military cooperation

    The article just above it talked about Put and Cush, Sudan.

    Oyia newspaper addressed the Libyan-Sudanese relationship, saying Tripoli
    is not intended to destabilise Khartoum.
    Oyia said Libya in no way wants to transfer peace talks from Darfur to
    Tripoli, or to sabotage the Doha peace talks forum.

    I would like to make note of the reference in this article to the Non-alingned movement. One of the key tenants to the Non-Aligned Movement is Anti-Zionism from the NAM's Havana Declaration of 1979 which adopted anti-Zionism as part of the movement's agenda. There are 118 countries that are a member of the Non-Aligned Movement.

    So thinking through things Turkey, Iran, Libya and Sudan, Gog leads an Islamic coalition of nations against Israel, Turkey from the north, Iran from the east, Libya from the west and Sudan from the south.

    Absent from the line up are: Egypt and Syria. Do you think that this is Daniel chapter 11
    with both the King of the North (Syria) and the King of the South (Egypt) destroyed by Antichrist? Does this mean that the Antichrist destroys them or gets them into a fight they can win against Israel and Isaiah 17, Amos 1:3 goes down.

    If Pslam 83, Isaiah 17, Amos 1:3 happen. The Black Flags of the Mahdi army will surly rise and the Caliphate will create the united Islamic states that the future world leader will rule over.

    Is this a reasonable understanding of how things may unfold?

    What are your thoughts?

    Yours in Christ,


  3. Tom, here are my thoughts as of today on how things MIGHT unfold;
    tensions continue to increase on Israel's border with Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria, etc.... Some trigger point happens and war breaks out. Israel is being overun by missiles and then Syria makes a deadly mistake by having some chemicals in one of it's warheads. Since Israel has ZERO TOLERANCE for geing gassed...they immediately silence Damascus with a nuke. This fulfills Isaiah 17 while Psalm 83 continues to rage. Israel's army is ultimately successful and the nuke on Syria silenced Iran's plans for a while. At some point in time between Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38...the rapture happens. Chaos ensues as the world struggles to regain composure, explain what happened and also attempt to fill the power vacuum created when the USA military becomes inoperable and our economy collapses. Iran is convinced that the chaos is a sign that the Mahdi is soon to appear on the world stage and they use their extreme confidence to join Russia (who wants the oil, dead sea minerals and natural gas of Israel) and Turkey (who all of a sudden hates Israel) and make an evil plan to wipe out Israel once and for all...knowing America is nowhere to be found. At this point Ezekiel 38-39 is fulfilled. Israel now knows that God is in the house and they clamor to build the third temple. Also they start burning the weapons of the coalition which takes 7 years. There are no longer any muslim power houses to stop them so the temple is built. The antichrist comes on scene and puts together some sort of peace agreement and this officially kicks off The 70th Week of Daniel. From there you know the rest of the story.

    So....I believe it is possible that we Christians may witness Psalm 83 and maybe Isaiah 17. But I'm a big believer that we WILL NOT witness Ezekiel 38.

    The fact that we can see the forces beginning to gather for Ezekiel 38 would lead one to believe that the rapture of the church has to be getting very close.

    And Psalm 83 could break out later this summer.

    Of course I also admit I could be dead wrong...and none of this goes down in this order. But the scene I just described is one way where all the puzzle pieces fit.

  4. Tom, here are my thoughts as of today on how things MIGHT unfold;
    tensions continue to increase on Israel's border with Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria, etc.... Some trigger point happens and war breaks out. Israel is being overun by missiles and then Syria makes a deadly mistake by having some chemicals in one of it's warheads. Since Israel has ZERO TOLERANCE for geing gassed...they immediately silence Damascus with a nuke. This fulfills Isaiah 17 while Psalm 83 continues to rage. Israel's army is ultimately successful and the nuke on Syria silenced Iran's plans for a while. At some point in time between Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38...the rapture happens. Chaos ensues as the world struggles to regain composure, explain what happened and also attempt to fill the power vacuum created when the USA military becomes inoperable and our economy collapses. Iran is convinced that the chaos is a sign that the Mahdi is soon to appear on the world stage and they use their extreme confidence to join Russia (who wants the oil, dead sea minerals and natural gas of Israel) and Turkey (who all of a sudden hates Israel) and make an evil plan to wipe out Israel once and for all...knowing America is nowhere to be found. At this point Ezekiel 38-39 is fulfilled. Israel now knows that God is in the house and they clamor to build the third temple. Also they start burning the weapons of the coalition which takes 7 years. There are no longer any muslim power houses to stop them so the temple is built. The antichrist comes on scene and puts together some sort of peace agreement and this officially kicks off The 70th Week of Daniel. From there you know the rest of the story.

    So....I believe it is possible that we Christians may witness Psalm 83 and maybe Isaiah 17. But I'm a big believer that we WILL NOT witness Ezekiel 38.

    The fact that we can see the forces beginning to gather for Ezekiel 38 would lead one to believe that the rapture of the church has to be getting very close.

    And Psalm 83 could break out later this summer.

    Of course I also admit I could be dead wrong...and none of this goes down in this order. But the scene I just described is one way where all the puzzle pieces fit.
