Thursday, July 15, 2010

Iran and Missile Defense

Many of you have heard me talk and blog about EMP's. (Electro Magnetic Pulse) It is caused when a nuclear weapon is detonated at high altitude and the effects of it break everything on the ground that runs on electricity...including the power grid itself.

Obviously for a country like America that virtually RUNS on EMP over the USA would turn us into helpless animals in a real hurry.

At this point some will say, "That could never happen!" If asked why they think it could never happen you may get the response, "Because we're America!"

Yesterday in the Wall Street Journal, the ex-director of the CIA wrote an article about Iran and their quest for nuclear weapons....and he also talks about EMP's.

In a June 27 interview on ABC's "This Week," CIA Director Leon Panetta warned that it could be a mere two years before Iran is able to threaten other states with nuclear warheads mounted on ballistic missiles. When discussing the new U.S. sanctions against Iran recently signed into law by President Barack Obama, Mr. Panetta said, "Will it deter them from their ambitions with regards to nuclear capability? Probably not."

A December 2009 missile launch proved Iran has already obtained the ability to reach Israel. Given President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's and other Iranian leaders' millenarian fanaticism, it would be most imprudent to rely on nuclear deterrence alone to protect us. If Tehran were to achieve a nuclear missile capability, it could hold American cities hostage—unless, that is, the U.S. builds a robust and comprehensive ballistic missile defense.

But last September the Obama administration scrapped the Bush plan and replaced it with one called the Phased Adaptive Approach, which is less capable of dealing with threats against U.S. territory. This plan entails deploying mobile systems to Europe to intercept short-range missiles. The Defense Department would gradually upgrade these systems, but the plan offers no added protection for the U.S. until 2020. That's almost certainly too little too late.

Further, if the Iranians were to detonate even a primitive nuclear warhead over the United States, it could send out an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) destroying the electric grid and electrical systems across a wide swath of U.S. territory. Iranian military writings show the mullahs recognize the potential of this kind of attack. Depending on where it occurred and how large the warhead was, an EMP attack could cause large-scale fatalities and unimaginable economic devastation. Defending against this kind of threat requires defensive systems that can intercept an attacking ballistic missile while it is still ascending. But the Obama administration has no specific plans to develop and deploy ascent-phase interceptors in Europe.

See it here;

Did you catch that? Iranian military has already recognized that an EMP attack would be an awesome way to destroy America. And if America was out of the way, they could finally get rid of those pesky Jews in Israel.

Does anyone believe it would be prudent to sacrifice U.S. lives and treasure to deny Iran a nuclear bomb? Can we afford to keep borrowing money to fight in Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran? Do we have a choice?

Or should we just cross our fingers and hope for the best?

Again, we KNOW America isn't around when The Tribulation how did we vanish? Could it be that we got so complacent, apathetic and addicted to electricity...and so confident that no one could ever take us down....that we simply refused to imagine the unimaginable?

Could one small missile launched from one small ship really take down the greatest country in the history of the world?

I hope someone in the Pentagon is thinking about the unthinkable.


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