
Monday, July 26, 2010

Iran Vs. God

The Bible tells us that after Israel is brought back to life (Ezekiel 37) and regathered from all the nations that she will not be destroyed ever again.

It seems the Iranians beg to differ with that idea.

Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi on Monday warned Israel that "any injudicious action" will lead to the annihilation of the Israeli regime. "Any injudicious action of Israel will trigger the countdown of its destruction," General Vahidi told reporters on the sidelines of a cabinet session on Monday.

"Israel is facing many setbacks in resolving its domestic, regional and international problems. Therefore, it is trying to get rid of this heavy burden through putting the blame on others," he added, according to PressTV. The Iranian defense minister reiterated that public pressure on Israeli officials has prompted them to have some "false illusions" in their minds.

See it here;

No doubt a show down is coming.

1 comment:

  1. Russia Ready to Fuel Iran's 1st Nuclear Reactor

    Tehran says it wants nuclear capability only for peaceful means, to generate electricity and develop isotopes used for medical purposes. Bushehr would be the first such facility to do so.

    Uranium fuel will be loaded into the Bushehr reactor on Aug. 21.

    But it could still be six months before the reactor is fully operational. The announcement marks a key development on Iran's path toward becoming a nuclear power. "From that moment the Bushehr plant will be officially considered a nuclear-energy installation," Novikov told The Associated Press. Russia's nuclear chief and his Iranian counterpart will both attend a ceremony to mark the occasion.|main|dl1|link4|
