
Friday, July 23, 2010

Carving Up Israel

This headline has SERIOUS repercussions to us all;

'Obama pledges big movement' on carving up Israel

Despite widespread assumptions the U.S. would veto any such U.N. Security Council resolution, PA officials told WND the Obama administration did not threaten to veto their conceptual unilateral resolution.

"The U.S. has a history of never before vetoing any U.N. move to create a new state," a PA negotiator pointed out.

Meanwhile, PA officials said they were told by the Obama administration not to be concerned about the results of the upcoming midterm elections. The officials said they were told the outcome of the elections would not affect Obama's foreign policy.

See it here;

Hold on's going to be a wild ride.


  1. Hi Dennis

    This on makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck.

    Ahmadinejad Confident about Qods Liberation, the awakening of all nations,
    the unity of Islam, and annihilation of the Zionist regime of Israel.

    For your readers that are not familiar, the city of Jerusalem is known in
    Arabic as Al-Quds or Baitul-Maqdis ("The Noble, Sacred Place")

    Soon enough it will be in their hands. This makes me cry. And we are helping give it to them.

    Here is the article from Tehran times

    How is no one not picking this up in the western media?

    I went to our local coin store today to buy coins. They said the health care bill has a stipulation in it that in 2012 that they have to keep records of anyone that sells more than $600 cumulative per year. So much for buying bullion to store value. This applies for any coins.

    Yours in Christ


  2. Hi Dennis,

    Have a look at this one.

    Syria foments war, creates the Syria-Lebanon-Iran-Turkey anti-Israel axis, and is rewarded for these efforts by those among us who are willing to give her the Golan Heights. But"the four sins of Damascus are unforgivable" said the prophet Amos (1,3)



  3. Tom,
    go ahead and google GOLD CONFISCATION ACT OF 1933. Taking everyone's gold has already been done...and when the US currency tanks, Obama (or whoever follows him) will have no choice but to call on Franklin D. Roosevelt executive order 6102 and reinstate this. The gold all changing hands in the last 5 years as everyone buys and sells it and the high price pulls it out of everyone's attic....has set up the situation so that a paper trail has been stamped on 90% of the gold. Also notice how Obama has been likening himself to FDR...comparing how he has had to oversee tumultuous times like when he pulls the trigger on this he can say he is only doing what the great FDR did. This certainly could be one scenario.

  4. Israel Bank Chief Warns Ultra-Orthodox: Get a Job
