
Friday, July 23, 2010

Jobless Numbers Worse Than We Think

Today in the Wall Street Journal, we find this headline;
Jobless Numbers Are Worse Than You Think

By 2010, however, employment had fallen to about 10% below the trend, far below any previous level in the last half-century. These figures indicate that as of the first half of 2010, the economy has generated about 12 million fewer jobs than expected. In other words, things are not as bad now as they were in the early 1980s; they are much worse. Recall as well that the unemployment rate of the early 1980s was the result of the ultimately successful battle against inflation.

One message we're hearing often from Washington is that recent increases in government spending have averted another Great Depression. That's nonsense. If such policies had any coherence there would have been no Great Depression (when government spending grew); the U.S. economy would have collapsed following World War II (when government spending plummeted); and the U.S., not to mention Greece, would now be experiencing a boom like no other.

As many observers of the economic scene have noted, private investment and hiring are suppressed by economic and political uncertainty. Such uncertainty is generated by unprecedented government intervention, massive increases in government spending, and anticipated tax increases.
This is what the policies undertaken during the 1930s, those that sustained the Great Depression, should have taught us.

See it here;

I tell you what...when you take this article into account and add the article from Obama's college classmate we posted a few days makes you wonder if Team Obama knows EXACTLY what they are doing? Could they be purposely repeating the mistakes of the 1930's in an attempt to collapse us into social and economic the government can grab total and complete control?

If you read the Bible and see what the world looks like during Antichrist's sure seems like we might be riding on one of the puzzle pieces that will take us there.

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