
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Magog and the Kings of the East

Ezekiel tells us that someday (probably sooner than later) Russia is going to lead a coalition consisting of Iran, Turkey, Libya and some other Arab-North African countries, in an attempt to destroy Israel once and for all.

They won't be successful since God himself will fight for Israel as He has done in the past. And the gathered armies will be supernaturally destroyed. Cool!

And then at the end of The Tribulation we are told that the Kings of the East (China, Korea, India?) will march across the dried up Euphrates River with a HUGE army of 200,000,000 soldiers.

They also will be supernaturally destroyed when Christ returns. This is called Armageddon.

A reader sent me this graphic showing the number of land based weapons each country has. If you look at the first two on the list, Russia and China, it appears they may be unknowingly preparing for some big military excursion.

See it here;

Furthermore, if you remove the USA from the list (because we will collapse soon after the rapture) and look at the countries on the list who are will see that Israel will be all alone and seemingly at the mercy of Russia and the Kings of the East.

Makes one wonder??


  1. Hi Dennis,

    I am writing to discuss some of the implications of a financial collapse of the dollar to the us military.
    "The U.S. defense budget is almost 50 percent of global military expenditures,"
    said Professor Michel Chossudovsky, director of Centre for Research on Globalisation in Toronto, Canada.

    Without our monetary system, and oil to run our military machine our military implements of power are naturalized. Both of which now hang in the balance of OPEC and those that hold our debt.

    Another point to consider is the people that serve in the military.
    80 percent of the US military are Christian of some sort.
    Given the parable of the virgins 5 went to the feast and 5 were left out.
    Lets figure 50 percent get transformed in a twinkling of an eye to be with Jesus in the air.
    Active 1,445,000 Reserve 850,000 Total 2,295,000 Figure 918,000 are taken in the rapture. Also consider the higher ranks and skills that take decades to grow into. These are not people that will be replaced.

    In an instant our military will be combat irrelevant.

    Something to think about.

    Yours in Christ,


  2. Seems that England is left off the list also. Not sure if they have many other "allies". Israel will have the only ally that really matters - God.

  3. Tom, I agree with you 100%. At the rapture if you figure that 20% of the USA is taken (choose your doesn't really matter) that would be 60,000,000 people vanishing. Of course our bus lines, airlines, power grid engineers, etc...would be gone and our infrastructure would be in shambles. Not to mention how long it will take those left behind to clean up the mess. If you throw in the fact that 50% of the military is gone and our army is incapable of then sets the stage for Ezekiel's war. Russia, Turkey, Iran and others instantly see the opportunity that Israel's largest military protector (USA) is a non-issue and they see it as their clear chance to destroy Israel unchallenged.

    Remember that Ezekiel tells us that the Israelites will burn the weapons of war for 7 years after God destroys these gathered armies. To my thinking, that places Ezekiel's prophecy sometime after the rapture but sometime before Antichrist signs the peace agreement with Israel...which is the event the officially begins the 70th Week of Daniel. Why then? Because I find it hard to believe that the Jews will still be burning trash AFTER Jesus returns to usher in the millenium. And we know Jesus will return 7 years after the peace agreement is signed.

    Remember,no one knows the day or the hour of the rapture...only the Father....but every Tribulation saint will know when the 2nd coming will be because they will be counting the days from when the Antichrist sets himself up as God in the 3rd Temple.

  4. Hi Dennis,

    Check out this video on the T-90 tank.


