
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Stop Iran Now!

A short video has been made by a US lobby group called Citizens United. It has aired on TV and is being passed around the Internet on YouTube.

The video warns US President Barack Obama against making the same mistakes that then-British prime minister Neville Chamberlain made in his dealing with Adolf Hitler during World War II.

"He honestly thought simply talking to your adversaries could change things," says a voice-over as still photos of Chamberlain and Hilter are shown on the screen. The British leader, the video said, "believed appeasement was the path to peace," leading to the death of 30 million people.

See it here;

It seems that history has shown us that the leaders who long for peace tend to believe that all the leaders on planet earth share their passion for peace. And they will make stupid mistakes because of that erroneous world view.

What they refuse to realize is that many leaders wake up every day planning the destruction of Israel, the USA and The West. Sadly, those leaders can recognize a liberal peacenik and play him like an organ...a lot faster than the peacenik can recognize these evil men hell-bent on global chaos and a new world order.

Remember though, Apostle Paul told us our battle will not be with flesh and blood but instead will be a spiritual battle against the unseen forces of Satan. So even though the armies of the USA battle flesh and blood, the army of Christ should be fighting with prayer... on our hands and knees as we pray for our enemies and pray against the evil forces in the unseen realms.

I wonder how many of us who claim to be disciples of Christ are actually doing that?

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