
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

NASA and Muslims

Honestly, the article we will post below is one of those where you read it and just say, "What the dickens is going on?"

NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said in a recent interview that his "foremost" mission as the head of America's space exploration agency is to improve relations with the Muslim world.

Though international diplomacy would seem well outside NASA's orbit, Bolden said in an interview with Al Jazeera that strengthening those ties was among the top tasks President Obama assigned him.

He said better interaction with the Muslim world would ultimately advance space travel. (Whaaaat??)

"When I became the NASA administrator -- or before I became the NASA administrator -- he charged me with three things. One was he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math, he wanted me to expand our international relationships, and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science ... and math and engineering," Bolden said in the interview.

See it here;

Ummm...excuse me....Mr. Bolden....I have a question please? Have there been any patents, inventions, Nobel peace prizes, technology or ANYTHING that has been added to the human race by the Muslim world in the past 1000 years?

This reminds me of what is going on in children's athletics today when the young kids aren't allowed to keep score. That's so everyone can go home feeling like winners and no one will feel bad. At the end of the season they all get "Participation" trophies. Oooooo! I bet that trophy will be a treasured prize!!! (insert copious amounts of sarcasm here)

Obama wants to give the Muslim world a "Participation" trophy for all their "help" in getting a man on the moon, the space shuttle mission and skylab put into orbit and the land rover on Mars.

Please ignore the fact the Islam and the Muslim world had nothing to do with this. Let's just pretend they did and give them a trophy so they can feel good about themselves and their, "historic contribution to science."

Sorry friends, but with each passing week I am buying more and more into the idea that President Obama is a practicing Muslim at worst, or a Muslim sympathizer at best.

And if it turns out that our President is as anti-Semitic as the pastor he listened to for 20 years (Reverend Jeremiah Wright)....I believe we all may be in a big heap of trouble.

Hat tip to Tom for the article.


  1. Hi Dennis,

    Please excuse the sarcasm here….

    I was thinking about this a little bit. This is perfect. You know those peace activists in Hamas have been struggling with their rocket guidance systems for a while. They have somewhere on the order of 40,000 rockets. Think of the partnering opportunity for good will if NASA was to retrofit their rockets with precision GPS guidance systems.

    If we are willing to do that we could help out Syria with their Scud-D missiles and increase their effective payload. I bet with some of that solid fuel booster technology they could double their effective payload an thereby increase their effective kill yields.

    I have read that Iran is working on perfecting their long range missile systems. Maybe if we help them they will stop work on obtaining nuclear weapons.

    Saudi Arabia has just announced is partnership with France for their peaceful nuclear program. We can help everyone!

    There are so many opportunities for participation trophies.

    Peace will be breaking out all over…



  2. Hi Dennis,

    Russia is upgrading T-72 tanks for Libya.

    Tripoli has acquired from the Soviet Union more than 2,000 tanks, 2,000 armored infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, about 450 self-propelled artillery pieces,
    That’s a couple more times greater in magnitude the heavy metal rolling thunder than Erwin Rommel had back in the day in WWII.
    They have around 5000 pieces of mechanized armor. That is impressive from a desert rat perspective
    Have a look at this page;
    Russia has 80,000 pieces of armor, land based weapon systems. Now that is some firepower.
    It is going to be quite a show.
    Yours in Christ.

  3. Hi Dennis,
    I have been watching the news in Iran, Syria, and some of the chat boards. There as been a marked change in tone. Have you noticed it?
    Here are a couple of good references for your blog.
    Iran has sent a top Revolutionary Guard officer to Lebanon'
    Here is a good breakdown of how the military is organized in Lebanon.
    IDF declassifies evidence of Hizbullah presence in Lebanon

    Yours in Christ.

  4. LOL! If we would only be willing to show Hamas, Hezbollah and Damascus a little love, tenderness, kindness, empathy, sympathy, and respect....then CERTAINLY they would love us and Israel...and then we could all sing Kum Ba Yah...and grind our swords into plows.

    The liberal mind simply doesn't understand that in the Middle East a strong horse is more respected than a weak horse.

  5. I realize this is an old post, but the amount of naiveté (in both the NASA comments, AND the blogger's comments) can't be ignored.

    First, you are right on. NASA has no business being in the business of diplomacy. NASA has been used as a tool of diplomacy to decent effect (international space station, suez/shuttle dockings, etc...) but those were at the direction of politicians, and diplomats, not in the job description of the head NASA administrator.

    Second, the blatant anti-religious comments by the blogger are in fact worse, as the come from ignorance, rather than misdirection.

    to quote the blogger " Have there been any patents, inventions, Nobel peace prizes, technology or ANYTHING that has been added to the human race by the Muslim world in the past 1000 years?"

    The answer of course is YES. Abdus-Salam, a theoretical physicist from Pakistan won the Nobel prize in Physics, Ahmed Zewail won a Nobel prize in Chemistry,Muhammad Yunus won a Nobel prize in Economics, and four of the last 9 Nobel prizes in literature went to Muslims. In fact, more Muslims have won the Nobel peace prize than any other religion.

    Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor, muslim, and first astronaut to perform surgery in space.
    Anousheh Ansari, muslim, becomes first female astronaut at the ISS.

    As for inventions you use everyday.... you would be surprised. Youtube was founded by a Muslim (Jawed Karim), who was also a founder of PayPal. Ebay was founded by a Muslim (Pierre Omidyar), Someone often sited as the "father" of Nanotechnology is a Muslim (Ali Eftekhari).

    So, the real question is, can you name ONE Nobel prize winner, ONE Astronaut, or ONE founder of a major successful technology company that is a born again Christian?

    I'm sure they exist, and a quick Google search will probably find them, but so too would you have found these Muslims.

    The only religion that stands out on the precipice of both invention and innovation is the Jewish Religion. they represent a majority of Nobel prize winners in all categories, yet represent less than one quarter of one percent of the worlds population.

  6. Thanks for your comment Nerd Alert. I'm happy to hear some people of the Islamic faith have won some Nobel prizes and have also had some inventions.

    As I was writing this post, I was thinking more about Islamic based countries and what is coming out of them. Iraq? Iran? Syria? Jordan? Libya? Sudan? Afghanistan? Saudi Arabia? Hamas in Gaza? Hezbollah in Lebanon? It sure seems something is terribly wrong with Islam.

    I remember hearing a Muslim commentator saying on a talk show, "I will be more impressed when Muslims can build their own jet liners rather than just figuring out how to blow jet liners up."

    Also curious would be to see where the Muslims who won the prizes were educated? Did the inventor of Youtube get his education in Saudi Arabia or Egypt? Did the Pakistani Physicist get his education in Pakistan? Was that university put there by England when it was a British territory?

    And yes, my comments are anti religious of course. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but through me." He also said, "You are either for me or against me." So I am anti-any practice or religion that doesn't lead people to the understanding and accepting that Jesus is Messiah. Clearly Islam does not lead them to that by definition it is an anti-christ religion.

    And that is why many of us pray for Muslims to come to Christ. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit is hearing those prayers and leading thousands of Muslims to Christ through dreams and visions...exactly as the Bible said would happen in the Latter Days.
