
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Small Mistake--Huge Consequences

At a prophecy luncheon today we were discussing some of the chatter I am starting to hear about what may happen if the sea in the Gulf of Mexico ends up running down into the hole that oil is currently gushing out of after the BP rig malfunctioned. You know the's the one that is currently spewing thousands of barrels of oil into the Gulf every single day.

I was reminded of a video I had once seen about the Lake Peigneur disaster that happened in 1980 down in Louisiana.

I will post this amazing video here which was done by the History Channel;

Some may wonder where this discussion is going. After you watch this video of what happens when an 1100 acre lake that is only 10 feet deep drains into a 14 inch can let your mind wander what may happen if a 5000 foot deep Gulf starts to drain into a 10 foot wide hole 5000 feet below the surface.

I have absolutely no idea if the physics of such a thing are even possible. But some scientists are saying that the oil is currently being sucked out of a cavern that is the size of the Grand canyon thousands of feet under the Gulf and if the ocean were ever allowed to rush into that empty void....a disaster of Biblical proportions could result.

Of course we all hope this never happens. But after seeing Lake Peigneur drain like a bathtub back in 1980...we will pray that this isn't foreshadowing what happens when a small mistake can lead to huge consequences.


  1. Wow that video is amazing.

    Will a Nuke take STOP the oil leak? I have been hearing a lot about that option.

    27,000 Wells Abandoned, Unchecked in Gulf

    See the story here:

  2. Crews Fight to Contain NEW Leak in the Gulf of Mexico
