
Friday, July 16, 2010

North Korean Defectors

The news that is being reported by North Korean soldiers who have defected to China...brings the "rumors of war" category a little further down the path.

Previously considered to be among the regime's most important assets, the North Korean People's Army has always been well provisioned in order to ensure the troops remain loyal.

But a poor harvest and the disastrous revaluation of the North Korean currency in November of last year has worsened the nation's already dire economic straits.

Defectors have claimed that they were required to survive on noodles made of ground corn and that meat or fish were a luxury, a journalist for Japan's Asahi Shimbun reported from the Chinese city of Shenyang.

The defectors have claimed that senior members of the party and the armed forces were stockpiling provisions, another indication that the regime is steeling itself for a military confrontation.

See it here;

So does the story have a happy ending? After all, the soldiers got away from North Korea and shared valuable information with China.

Yeah....that part of the world is not such a nice place to the article ends with;

The defectors apprehended by the Chinese were reportedly returned to North Korea, where they face execution.

Thank you Jesus that I was born in America, have never gone hungry, have nice parents, went to nice schools, have a nice church that I can sing my lungs out at, have Christian radio I listen to everyday for great sermons and music, sleep peacefully every night without worrying about being murdered, abducted, or raped, and can speak freely and critically about my government.

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