
Friday, July 16, 2010

Muslims Blow Up Muslims--Blame U.S.

This would be typical rhetoric that you would expect coming out of just wonder how many people actually believe it. I hope not many....but with Islam and the 1500 years of non-stop just never know.

It seems some Sunni Muslims did some suicide bombings in Iran and blew up a bunch of Shiite Muslims all hanging around their mosque. And even though a Sunni Muslim group proudly claimed responsibility for the carnage....the Iranian Government blamed the U.S.

An Iran mosque twin suicide bombing killed at least 27 people Thursday. It is in an event that is expected to intensify tensions between Tehran and Washington, as Iran alleges that the US, UK, and other external powers trained and funded the attackers.

Sunni militant group Jundallah claimed responsibility for the attacks in southeastern Iran on the Shiite mosque. Iranian authorities are investigating the explosions, which also killed members of the elite Revolutionary Guard.

See it here;

When any country starts down the war path....the first thing they need to do is blame an outside evil force. And yes....even the USA will do (has done) that.

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