
Friday, July 16, 2010

Psalm 83 Builds

This is a great article by Caroline Glick. It talks about the coming war with Israel and Iran...which will almost certainly start by Iran ordering it's proxies (Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria) to attack Israel. This will be done in an attempt to buy more time for Iran to cook it's nuclear weapons.

What is amazing is that a head dude from the United Arab Emirates said that if the USA doesn't stop Iran from getting a bomb (attack her) that they will be forced to abandon their relationship with the USA to appease Iran.

Otaiba said that the Arab states of the Persian Gulf cannot live with a nuclear Iran, that he supports military strikes against Iran's nuclear facilities and that if the US fails to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power, the Arab states of the Gulf will abandon their alliances with the US in order to appease Iran. Otaiba rejected the notion that a nuclear-armed Iran can be contained stating, "Talk of containment and deterrence really concerns me and makes me very nervous."

And then the article ends with this paragraph;

What this means is that for better or for worse, under Obama the US is far less relevant than it was four years ago. And this frees Netanyahu to fight the coming war on Israel's terms. Iran's domestic troubles and the Arab world's genuine fear of a nuclear armed Iran provide Israel with a rare opportunity to radically shift the balance of power in the region for the better. It is time for Netanyahu to lead.

Now, go read Psalm 83 and see if the fulfillment of that prophecy won't radically ship the balance of power in the region for the better.

See article here;

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Looks like Afganistan would like to be working with Iran in the future.

    Karzai Welcomes Iran's Proposal for Regional Solution to Afghan Problems

    TEHRAN (FNA)- Afghan President Hamid Karzai in a meeting with Iranian
    Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki in Kabul welcomed Iran's proposal for
    settling Afghanistan's problems through regional approaches.

    Yours in Christ,

