
Monday, July 19, 2010

Build The Temple!

A handful of years ago I remember seeing a survey of Israelis regarding the building of The Third Temple. Needless to say, the interest in Temple building was pretty low at that point.

Today we see this headline;

Half the Public Wants to See Holy Temple Rebuilt

Half the Israeli public wants the Holy Temple (Beit HaMikdash) to be rebuilt. This is the main finding of a poll commissioned by the Knesset Television Channel and carried out by the Panels Institute.

See it here;

This is pretty darn interesting because we know that the Third Temple will be rebuilt. This will be the Temple that the Antichrist will sit himself in 3 1/2 years into The Tribulation, betray the Jews and declare himself to be God.

Most prophecy watchers believe that 100% of Jews will soon ask for a Temple. The final push that may swing the scale from 50% of Jews to 100% of Jews MAY BE the witnessing of God destroying the coalition armies of Russia, Iran, Turkey, Libya and others. (Ezekiel 38)

Friends, the frequency of "Temple talk" seems to be on the rise. This is foreshadowing big things coming.

Most important for us Christians to remember....the rapture of The Church (us) will probably precede the events of Ezekiel 38.

And even if they don't and we are here to witness them....this BIG event appears to be on the horizon.

So let's live sober lives....exactly as the Word of God prescribes.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Great post. This plays well with the Islamic tradition that they will
    rebuild the temple and all will worship there in tranquility.

    It sounds so nice. Many will undoubtedly buy into the cause after the wars.

    In the End Times, by Allah’s leave, the Solomon Temple will be taken from the antichrist’s
    hands and rebuilt by the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as). Muslims,
    Christians and Jews will perform their religious obligations in this holy location
    in peace and security.

    I find Harun Yahya's preoccupation with freemasonry peculiar. Have a look here.

    During the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) and the Prophet Jesus (as) the Solomon
    masjid will be rebuilt and all believers will worship there in tranquility

    Yours in Christ,

