
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Why Hasn't Israel Bombed Iran?

Just another day where the Wall Street Journal has an article about Israel.

This one is titled; WHY HASN'T ISRAEL BOMBED IRAN (YET)?

Why hasn't Israel bombed Iran yet? It's a question I often get from people who suppose I have a telepathic hotline to Benjamin Netanyahu's brain. I don't, but for a long time I was confident that an attack would happen in the first six months of this year. Since it didn't, it's worth thinking through why.

The author then goes on to list some of the main reasons that Israel hasn't pulled the trigger...yet. So you can read that all here;

But check out this line near the end of the article;

But its (Israel's) tactical margin for error will be slim, particularly since an effective strike will require days not hours. And the political risks it runs will be monumental. As Mr. Doran notes, in 1956 it could at least count on the diplomatic support of two members of the U.N. Security Council. Today, the U.S. is its (Israel's) last significant friend.

Wow! The world is turning on Israel...just as the Bible said it would in the Very Last Days. And now the USA is Israel's last significant friend! How prophetic!!

Will Team Obama stay with Israel if she attacks? You can sure believe our fate as a country will hang in the balance based on what our leaders decide.

Continue to pray for our leaders that they will support Israel right up to the time of the rapture of The Church.

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