
Monday, July 5, 2010

Obama; Most Radical President Ever

Dr. Richard Rubenstein, Yale Fellow, Harvard Phd and "Distinguished Professor of the Year"....has a must see interview.

In it he calls Obama the most radical U.S. President ever.

Even more concerning, he believes the Obama will seek the destruction of Israel once he gets the chance.

See this important video here;

Let's remember that only God sets up and takes down rulers and nations. Obama is not the U.S. President by accident. Most likely we have elected the exact leaders that we deserve.

Only if we humble ourselves before God and seek His face....will He then hear our prayers in heaven and heal our land.

I don't see a lot of evidence of that promise currently taking place. Until it does, I believe our land will continue to become more and more ill.


  1. with a last name like, Rubenstein, he's a bit biased, I believe, but I have to defer to his expert opinion anyway, which is quite scary!

  2. Hi Dennis,

    Please have a look at this article on Fox and Aljazeera. I am beyond words on this one.
    It is now NASA's mission to improve relations with the muslim world?

    NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said in a recent interview that his "foremost" mission as the head of
    America's space exploration agency is to improve relations with the Muslim world.

    Yours in Christ,


  3. Check this out! NASA is no longer a scientific entity, but yet another political deployment for international relations focused on improving muslim relations. If that isn't radical I don't know what is.

  4. James, Ken to your comments. I believe the last poll I saw is that less than 6% of Israelis believed Obama was going to be good for Israel. That's the lowest EVER for a U.S. president.

    I had heard about this yesterday and will post your article today. Seriously, this NASA-Muslim thing is so bizarre....there has to be some supernatural force behind it.

  5. Here is a story on AOL;
    Lawmakers turn to faith leaders

    "When they're under political pressure, they particularly show up because they're looking for a place that reminds them they had a life before they came here, they'll have a life after they leave here."
    Still, some faith leaders said lawmakers sometimes lapse back into politics during pastoral discussions. Political tensions did enter some of Ogilvie's Bible studies and other conversations with senators.

    See it here:

  6. Professor's 13 Keys Predict Obama Will Get Re-Elected

    See this story here:
