
Monday, July 5, 2010

Turkey Threatens Israel

Just another day with Israel being in the top headlines on Google. The world is continuing to wring it's hands over Israel....unable to figure out any solution....and growing increasingly frustrated and anti-Semitic.

Turkey's foreign minister says his country will cut diplomatic ties with Israel if it does not apologize for the commando raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla that killed eight Turks and a Turkish-American.

In an interview published Monday in the Hurriyet newspaper, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said relations with Israel will be broken unless Israel apologizes or agrees to accept the conclusions of an international inquiry into the May 31 attack.

But on Friday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel will not apologize for the raid.

In comments to Israeli state television (Channel 1), Mr. Netanyahu said Israel regrets the loss of life in the raid, but it cannot apologize that its soldiers had to defend themselves to avoid being "lynched."

See it here;

Remember that Turkey is one of the named nations of the Ezekiel 38 coalition who will gather to destroy Israel....probably after the rapture of the church. So what we are seeing is prophecy being fulfilled right before our very eyes.

No one knows the day or the hour concerning the rapture of the church...that's for sure. BUT you brothers will not be in darkness so this day should surprise you like a thief. We are all sons of the if we are paying attention, we will NOT be surprised if we were to hear the trumpet start blowing today. (1 Thessalonians)

But I can tell you the sad truth....if the trumpet did start blowing today announcing the rapture and the end of the age.....most self-proclaimed believers would have no clue what the noise even was....and they WOULD be surprised.

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