
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Obama's Fiscal Road to Hell

Today's Wall Street Journal has an Opinion column by ex-Bush advisor, Karl Rove and the title is "Obama and the Fiscal 'Road to Hell'"

Why is the "Road to Hell" in quotes?....because those aren't Karl Rove's words but instead were uttered by the European Union President.

Great! we are being lectured to about fiscal restraint from the Europeans?

At last week's G-20 meeting, President Barack Obama achieved a two-fer. He suffered a significant international defeat, and he increased the chances his party will suffer a major domestic one this fall.
Mr. Obama's international defeat was self-inflicted. He went to Toronto to press other major nations to do as he has done: Expand government spending, or suffer, in the president's words, "renewed economic hardship and recession."

Canada, Germany, Great Britain and most other countries declined Mr. Obama's invitation. The German economic minister "urgently" prodded America to cut spending at a press conference on June 21, prior to the G-20 meeting. The president of the European central bank took direct aim at Mr. Obama's argument, telling the Italian newspaper La Repubblica on June 16 that "the idea that austerity measures could trigger stagnation is incorrect."

The European Union president, Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek, tore into Mr. Obama's stimulus and other spending policies in a stunning address to the European Parliament in March 2009, calling them "the road to hell" and saying "the United States did not take the right path."

If it sounds strange to have European leaders lecturing the U.S. about fiscal restraint, it should. But that is where America finds itself after Mr. Obama's 17-month fiscal orgy.

See it here;

Did you catch that, "fiscal orgy" comment? Isn't that something? How many people do you know who when faced with bankruptcy caused by unsustainable spending and rapidly falling income, would go on a spending orgy and believe it would fix the problem?

Let's remember though friends that God sets up and tears down leaders and nations. It may have been U.S. voters who pulled the lever for Team Obama...but it was God who allowed him to ascend the throne of power.

And if God wants to have Team Obama on the throne when America is pulled down.....then, "Blessed be the name of the Lord!"

Continue praying for this nation and it's leaders....regardless of how you personally feel about them.


  1. I was watching Glenn Beck last night and he brought up an interesting fact about Obama's grandfather and the hint of animosity towards Israel and England.

    Here is the raidio version:

  2. Canadian Dollar Trades Near Lowest Since July as Economic Outlook Dims

    The Canadian currency had the biggest decline against its U.S. counterpart last week since the five days ended July 16 as commodities including crude oil tumbled and data pointed to a slowing recovery in the U.S., the nation’s largest trading partner.

    read here:
