
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Iran Arms Syria With Radar

This is the headline on the front page of the Wall Street Journal today;

Iran Arms Syria With Radar
System Could Help Tehran Dodge Israeli Strike; a Blow to U.S. Strategy on Damascus

JERUSALEM—Iran has sent Syria a sophisticated radar system that could threaten Israel's ability to launch a surprise attack against Iran's nuclear facilities, say Israeli and U.S. officials, extending an alliance aimed at undermining Israel's military dominance in the region.

The radar could bolster Syria's defenses by providing early warning of Israeli air-force sorties. It could also benefit Hezbollah, the Iran-backed militant group based in Lebanon and widely believed to receive arms from Syria.

Any sharing of radar information by Syria could increase the accuracy of Hezbollah's own missiles and bolster its air defenses. That would boost Hezbollah defenses, which U.S. and Israeli officials say have been substantially upgraded since 2006, the last time Israel fought the southern Lebanon-based group.

Iran and Syria both denied that a radar transfer took place.

See it here;

Friends, did you see, "Jerusalem" and "Damascus" right there front and center in the lead story of the most read paper in America? This is quite simply amazing...and this news even further magnifies the fact that the attack window for Israel to damage Iran's nuclear ambitions....keeps sliding shut.

Also remember Isaiah 17. It sure seems like something may soon pop in Damascus.


  1. Just heard on the Fox News that Obama knew about this radar a year ago. It has finally just leaked out that Syria has it.

  2. Hi Dennis,

    Here are some good articles on the outcome of the meeting between Iran and Syria.

    Published 15:30 07.01.10
    Latest update 21:44 07.01.10
    Ahmadinejad: Iran and Syria will create a new world order

    Ahmadinejad and Assad: Iran and Syria Are Leading a New World Order; The Time of America and the West Is Over
    Today we are beginning on the path of triumph, and even greater victories lie ahead

    This is a great quote:
    "Today, the evil ones who speak [the language of] violence are in decline,
    and the Zionist regime, which is at a complete dead end, is beginning to scream
    like someone afraid of the dark. Syria and Iran, [on the other hand], are on the rise,
    thanks to their steadfastness and wisdom... Many [people] once called the Zionist
    regime invincible - but today even our children are no longer afraid of [the Zionists],
    and now not a single sensible person officially recognizes the Zionist regime."

    Just wait until the Lion of Judah returns. Israel may be small but they are well connected.

    Yours in Christ,

