
Thursday, July 1, 2010

More 12th Imam (Mahdi)

These YouTube links were sent by a faithful reader and give us evidence that many Muslims are looking forward to the Mahdi's soon return to earth. And many believe he is already here.

Remember, Iranian President Ahmadinejad believes the Mahdi is here but won't be revealed until global chaos ensues...and he wants a nuclear bomb. Hey?....I wonder if he wants to use it to cause global chaos? (insert sarcasm here)

Also remember that the Bible tells us that the Antichrist will be on earth while we Christians are here...but won't be revealed until after the rapture of the church...which will CAUSE global chaos.

See video here;

In this one, Ahmadinejad says Mahdi IS God! Remember the Bible tells us Antichrist will call himself God and demand worship.

In this one, you can hear evidence that Ahmadinejad believes that his personal mandate is to hasten the return of the Mahdi.

Again, as you ponder the starts to make sense. What the Muslims will believe to be the Mahdi sounds an awful lot like what the Bible describes as the Antichrist.

Thank you Jesus that those who have trusted in you won't be around to witness this confusing and terrifying time on earth.

Hat tip to Tom.


  1. Iran's President Provoking 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ?

  2. Thanks April!

    This is a great find.

    Along this line of thinking have a look at this. Here is a link to our presidents reference to Islam.

    Yours in Christ,

