
Friday, July 2, 2010

USA Like Roman Empire Before Its Fall

Rand Paul is running for the U.S. Senate and in a recent speech said the USA was looking similar to Rome before it fell.

We have also pointed out in the past the the Roman government attempted to placate it's citizens with coliseums and free handouts....very similar to the way our nation has gone on a stadium building frenzy....and our infatuation with pro sports.

Makes one wonder, that's for sure.

SHEPHERDSVILLE, Ky. -- Republican U.S. Senate nominee Rand Paul likened the United States to the Roman Empire in the days before it fell during a speech at a tea party rally on Thursday.

"In the latter days of Rome, the economy was crumbling, the emperor ... would placate the mob with bread and circus -- food and entertainment to placate them since the economy was in shambles and dwindling around them," Paul told several hundred people gathered for the rally in a Bullitt County park.

"Now in our country, as our economy is in shambles, they give us Cash for Clunkers and a stimulus check and they tell us to go to the mall and spend your money and everything will be OK ... That's not how you become prosperous as an individual or a country," he told the crowd of supporters.

See it here;

Many of the people I speak to believe it is impossible that the USA will ever be in a position where it is not the greatest planet on earth. When I ask them why they believe such a thing, the simple answer I usually get is, "Because we are America!"

I hope they are right....but the Bible has no mention of the USA anywhere in prophecy. I believe we will utterly collapse in the days following the rapture of the church. But the foreshadowing of our imminent decline seems to be evident in many places that one looks.

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