
Friday, July 30, 2010

One World Currency

Of course we continue to watch for movement towards a one-world-financial-system.

Why? Because we know that a day is coming during the Tribulation that the Antichrist will order all people to take a mark in order to buy or sell anything. This will require a global financial as we draw close to that day we should expect to see foreshadowing of this coming event.

Foreshadowing like this;

The Russian leader proudly displayed the coin, which bears the English words "United Future World Currency", to journalists after the summit wrapped up in the quake-hit Italian town of L'Aquila.

Medvedev said that although the coin, which resembled a euro and featured the image of five leaves, was just a gift given to leaders it showed that people were beginning to think seriously about a new global currency.

"In all likelihood something similar could appear and it could be held in your hand and used as a means of payment," he told reporters. "This is the international currency."

See it here;

Now take a look at this site to see a close up of the coin Medvedev is holding;

Can you hear the foot steps of the Antichrist as he gets ready to march onto the world stage?

Hat tip to Tom.

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