
Friday, July 30, 2010

Ultimate Spiritual Powers

We have been watching for false Christs and false messiahs....because Jesus told us to.

One that we have been watching for is the 12th Imam. This is the dude that many Shiite Muslims believe is soon coming to earth to kill all those who won't submit to Islam and will then rule the earth with Sharia (Islamic) law.

A very concerning factor for all of us surrounding this belief is that Iran's Ahmadinejad believes that he has been appointed by Allah to cause the global chaos necessary for the 12th Imam to return.

And today we have Iran's Spiritual Spreme leader (Ayatollah) telling us this;

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has created a stir after apparently issuing a religious edict Tuesday claiming ultimate spiritual powers on Earth. Iranian media reported that he told followers that they must "obey him" as the "representative of the Prophet Muhammad and [Shi'ism's] 12th Imam on Earth."

It appears not all Iranians agree.

His controversial claim to represent the Prophet Muhammad and the 12th Imam on Earth, followed strong, recent criticism by several Iranian religious leaders, questioning his policies. Mohsen Kadivar, an exiled Shi'ite cleric, went so far as to demand his "impeachment," recently.

"It is the first time that Khamenei has specifically gone so far as to claim that kind of authority, and there is a theological debate as to whether this constitutes heresy, in the sense that some interpretations of Shia Islam say that no one can claim to represent the Prophet and the Imams on Earth," he said. "Khamenei, feeling pressure on a number of fronts, regarding his clerical and political authority, feels the need to assert, effectively, 'You must obey me."

But, of course, we know that the Iranian regime is under much pressure from within it's own borders and may be on the verge of collapse. So just like all regimes close to collapse they may be planning on starting a war to rally support for themselves. Who would they go to war with? The outsiders who they will blame for all their country's problems.

Other top Iranian officials had previously accused Britain, the United States, Israel and al-Qaida of responsibility for the blasts that killed 28 people and wounded hundreds of others.

See it all here;

If they do go to war, look for them to use Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas as their instruments. When that happens, we will next look to see if it has the signs of fulfilling Psalm 83.

Do you see how this is ALL connected? It's flat-out amazing!!

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