
Friday, July 30, 2010

Sun Could Set Suddenly

Laura Ingraham is a conservative commentator and radio host who may be familiar to a lot of readers.

Today I stumbled across a comment she made to her blog yesterday....and I thought it was interesting.

We have been raised to think of the historical process as an essentially cyclical one.

We naturally tend to assume that in our own time, too, history will move cyclically, and slowly.

Yet what if history is not cyclical and slow-moving but arhythmic, at times almost stationary, but also capable of accelerating suddenly, like a sports car? What if collapse does not arrive over a number of centuries but comes suddenly, like a thief in the night?

Great powers and empires are complex systems, which means their construction more resembles a termite hill than an Egyptian pyramid. They operate somewhere between order and disorder, on "the edge of chaos", in the phrase of the computer scientist Christopher Langton.

Such systems can appear to operate quite stably for some time; they seem to be in equilibrium but are, in fact, constantly adapting.

But there comes a moment when complex systems "go critical". A very small trigger can set off a phase transition from a benign equilibrium to a crisis.

See it here;

Did you catch that "thief in the night" reference?

Obviously she raises an interesting thought that many of us have been thinking about for quite some time.

Could our lives here in America change so suddenly and abruptly that one day soon, we may look back at our current peaceful existence consisting of mall shopping, Cub Food buying, movie going, vacationing, church attending, stadium building, sports watching, etc....and wonder what happened to it all?

I hope the rapture comes before the collapse of America or before WWIII breaks out....but of course there is no guarantee of that. We all may have to endure cataclysmic change and enormous hardship along with everyone else who are already enduring such things in Somalia, Egypt, Iran, Congo, Nigeria, North Korea, etc...

We may have to endure the problems of a fallen world for a while longer, but one thing I do know....WE WILL NOT ENDURE THE WRATH OF GOD that is soon to be poured out on this fallen planet.

How do I know? Because the Bible tells me so. (Romans, 1 Corinthians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, Revelation)

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