
Friday, August 6, 2010

More Signs

Does it not seem that God is speaking very loudly today? Floods, fires, extreme dry weather, tropical storms, landslides, crops being destroyed, wheat prices rising, Putin putting on a grain embargo (

From Fires in Russia to Flooding in Asia, Extreme Weather Taking Its Toll
Floods have killed thousands in Asia and left millions homeless from Pakistan to North Korea, while fires and drought in Russia have roiled global markets and a tropical storm bears down on Bermuda.

Asian devastation may stretch aid efforts as crops are destroyed at a time of soaring wheat prices, caused in part by Russia’s decision to ban grain exports through Dec. 31. Raw- sugar futures also rose in New York on speculation that Russia may import more to offset drought losses.

In the Atlantic, Tropical Storm Colin reformed and is bearing down on Bermuda with maximum sustained winds of 45 miles (75 kilometers) per hour, according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami. The storm is expected to drop as much as 5 inches of rain on the island nation starting tomorrow.

Mother Nature is playing a very evil hand,” Peter McGuire, managing director at CWA Global Markets Pty., said in a telephone interview from Sydney today. “It’s always the poor that suffer.”

Ah Mr. McGuire, God made 'mother nature' and he is not evil.

Just an observation here, but it seems like many of these nations and regions mentioned in the article are not exactly friendly to the gospel of Jesus Christ...but like I said, it was just an observation.

Luke 21:11 "There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven."


  1. Look at this mud slide

  2. Bed Bugs... Forshadowing???

    Bed Bug Misery Spreads to Empire State Building

    Bed bug infestations are a growing problem in New York City, with infestations rising fivefold in the 12 months to June, according to pest control company Assured Environments. Locations including a movie theater, a Victoria's Secret lingerie store and clothes retailer Abercrombie & Fitch all reporting infestations this year.

    The creatures bite into human flesh with two hollow prongs and feed on blood. After the insect has had its fill and scurried off, the bite will start to itch painfully and swell up.

    The insects can hide in walls, clothes and even computers and go a whole year without eating, making them extremely difficult to eradicate.
