
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Game Changer in the Pacific

Some people point to Revelation 9:13-19 and, more specifically Revelation 9:16 (9:16 "The number of the mounted troops was two hundred million. I heard their number."), as the proof that China will someday bring forth an army of 200 million troops during the Tribulation. To be totally honest with you I'm not sure if this is true. I've read and studied for myself and from some really smart, God-fearing men who have slightly differing views of this passage. I tend to fall on the side which says these 200 million troops are fallen angels (see Genesis) who will carry out God's judgement. But certainly, when I see this next article and as we witness the incredible growth of China's economic and military power it does make me perk up.

Chinese missile could shift Pacific power balance
ABOARD THE USS GEORGE WASHINGTON – Nothing projects U.S. global air and sea power more vividly than supercarriers. Bristling with fighter jets that can reach deep into even landlocked trouble zones, America's virtually invincible carrier fleet has long enforced its dominance of the high seas.

China may soon put an end to that.

U.S. naval planners are scrambling to deal with what analysts say is a game-changing weapon being developed by China — an unprecedented carrier-killing missle
called the Dong Feng 21D that could be launched from land with enough accuracy to penetrate the defenses of even the most advanced moving aircraft carrier at a distance of more than 1,500 kilometers (900 miles).


  1. I agree with you premise that the 200,000,000 may be fallen angels or Nephilim or a combination of both. I have been thinking about that scene from Lord of the Rings where the bad wizard is hatching those ORCS from birthing sacs down below the earth. It makes me wonder if the thousands of cattle mutilations over the past 30 years where the only thing missing in the dead cow is the makes me wonder if satan is getting ready to use those birth sacs to cook something really heinous. Folks who would disallow the supernatural power of the Prince of the Earth, I believe, are fooling themselves.

  2. China Overtakes Japan as World's Second-Biggest Economy
