
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Drowning in Debt

The previous post talked about 15 signs the housing market was going to collapse. I was rereading the actual 15 signs this morning and ran across this one that I felt was worth posting all by itself.

The overall U.S. economy is absolutely drowning in debt, and as this debt bubble bursts it is going to take the U.S. housing market down with it. Right now, the total of all government, business and consumer debt in the United States is somewhere in the neighborhood of 360 percent of GDP.

At no point in U.S. history has that number ever gotten anywhere close to that high. It is the biggest debt bubble in the history of the world, and it is beginning to pop. As it does, one of the areas that will be hit the hardest will be the housing market.

Those waiting for U.S. housing prices to return to the levels of three or four years ago are living in fantasy land. Absent the onset of hyperinflation (which would cause the price of everything to rise dramatically), housing prices are simply not going to return to those levels.

Did you catch that word, "EVER....gotten anywhere close to that high."

See it here;

It's funny how Satan works the same in pretty much ALL his traps. He starts off with just a little bait which when you eat it seems harmless and actually pretty fun. Then he ratchets up the desire for that bait in such small increments that you don't even realize it. And pretty soon you have lost control of your common sense, self discipline and your ability to continue living a balanced life.

That's what's happened with this debt bubble. It didn't matter if a person made $40,000 per year or $240,000 per year....the Satan-bait told them they "deserved" to have something they couldn't afford and that there was no reason they couldn't have that shiny toy RIGHT NOW! Forget about saving for it.....FINANCE IT AND TAKE IT HOME! OR FINANCE $600,000 over 30 years and MAKE IT YOUR HOME!

The Satanic fisherman seems to be the's the bait he uses that can change.

Satan can cast shiny things that we use ruinous debt to bite. (unbalance) He can cast alcohol that is good in small quantities but harms millions who drink too much. (unbalance) He can cast food, which we all need to survive but when we eat the bait it leads to gluttony. (unbalance) He can cast sex, which was meant for a gift within marriage, but when used in the form of adultery, pornography and fornication leads to destruction of untold magnitude. (unbalance)

Let's ask ourselves what lure we are attracted to. Let's learn to recognize all the lures so that when we see one come trolling by we can thwart the Satanic fisherman....who wants all of us to be UNBALANCED. Why?? Because an unbalanced person makes a pretty crummy soldier in God's army....and crummy soldiers aren't as effective in aiding the Holy Spirit to SNATCH SOULS FROM THE FIRE.

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