
Friday, August 27, 2010

Housing Collapse?

Of course we hope that all this gloom and doom doesn't happen....but we really shouldn't be surprised if it does.

Earlier this week we were treated to the headline that home sales were down 27% and it was a "total shock" to all the big heads who are supposed to know what's going on. It probably didn't come as a shock to all of us. We know that folks are just sitting tight trying to hold on. When the "free" government money in the form of an $8000 tax credit for home buyers ran did the fabricated demand for housing.

Now today we are greeted with this headline from Business Insider;

15 Signs The U.S. Housing Market Is Headed For Complete And Total Collapse

The U.S. housing market is dying. You will only hear hints of this on the mainstream news and from the politicians in Washington D.C., but as statistic after statistic continues to roll in, the reality of what is happening is becoming very difficult to deny.

For decades, owning a home has been touted as the very heart of "the American Dream", but today that dream is out of reach for an increasing number of Americans. Why? It is because there are not nearly enough jobs for everyone. Without a jobs recovery, there simply is not going to be a housing recovery. Unfortunately, as the U.S. economy continues to come apart like a 20 dollar suit, even more Americans are going to lose their jobs and the U.S. housing industry will continue to experience a very painful decline.

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Wow...this sounds pretty ominous. The U.S. economy continues to come apart like a 20 dollar suit.

I wonder if the Word of God would report it more like this; The U.S. economy was built on a flimsy foundation of consumerism...which is really nothing more than people worshiping the god of Mammon. Even though this great society was blessed by God, after a generation of blessings the people started to worship the blessings rather than the Creator who blessed them.

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