
Monday, August 30, 2010

Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck has sure been in the news and on the news quite a bit these past weeks. A few weeks ago I even did a post on him after someone sent me a clip from his show.

Some folks believe he is an evangelical Christian and uses much Christian language....and seems to talk an awful lot about God....but is he talking about the God of Isaac, Jacob and Israel that is the God of our Bible?

Glenn Beck claims he is a Mormon.

So is that the same thing as if he claimed to be a Methodist or a Lutheran or a Covenanter?

Not by a long shot.

I would suggest that we all put on our discernment hats and lets all be Bereans and test the scriptures to see if Mormonism lines up with the WORD OF GOD.

I do want to say that when I hear Glenn talking about history, Marxism, the Constitution, the financial collapse, etc....he seems to be right on. He (like me) believes that something big is coming for America, and it probably won't be good. He then invites us to turn to God as our only hope. This very morning on his radio show he said that after praying on his knees that he got a clear message that we were supposed "get behind God as our shield".

Sounds good...but what about Jesus Christ? He never went beyond the "God" comments to talk about the fact that Jesus Christ is our ONLY way to the Father.

So what do Mormons believe?

Finally, please understand that the Mormon Church uses Christian terms but has radically changed the meanings of those terms. So, when it says that Mormons belief in the father the son and the Holy Spirit, they are really saying they believe in a God from another planet, with a goddess wife, who literally is the father of Jesus, and that there is a spirit being, the Holy Ghost, who is another God.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, known as the Mormons, teaches that God the father used to be a man on another planet, that he became a God by following the laws and ordinances of that God on that planet and came to this world with his wife (she became a goddess), and that they produce a spirit offspring in heaven. These spirit offspring, which includes Jesus, the devil, and you and me, are all brothers and sisters born in the preexistence. The preexistence spirits come down and inhabit babies at the time of birth and their memories of the preexistence are lost at the time. Furthermore, faithful Mormons, who pay a full 10% tithe of their income to the Mormon church through Mormon temples, have the potential of becoming gods of their own planets and are then able to start the procedure over again.

In fact, Jesus warned us about such groups when he said in Matthew 24:24 that in the last days many false Christs and false prophets will arise and deceive many. Mormonism is exactly that, a manifestation of a false prophet: Joseph Smith, who taught all these things.

See it here;

Holy cow!! Ask yourselves this....would we allow Glenn Beck to come to our adult ed class and teach on ANYTHING in the spiritual realm? The short answer is, "NO!"

Of course we KNOW that Mormonism is a cult....because it was ONE MAN's visions that he supposedly had and based on his charisma he convinced thousands of others that the messages he received from god were true. Hence...another false religion was born.


I would say that if you want to listen to Glenn Beck and agree with his comments on finances, or history or Barack Obama...then that's one thing. But when he starts telling you what messages he received from god....I would advise you to turn up you antennae REALLY high....and listen very closely for false messages.

As was already said, "In the last days false Christs and false prophets will arise and deceive many." Is it possible that Glenn Beck could be one of those? Do you think it's simply a coincidence that Mormon commercials are on our TV's morning, noon and night? Or is this simply more evidence that Satan is using one more big trap (Mormonism) in which he plans to snare a boat load of Beck followers?

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