
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Jerusalem War

Here's how it works; God claims Jerusalem as the "apple of my eye" and puts His name on it forever. As soon as Satan hears this....he wants it.

So Satan goes about trying to make the city his own. And of course, if he can't have it then he would love to see it destroyed.

Enter the cult of Islam. They are willing to light the world on fire over this one city. They deny the Jews were ever there...they build two mosques right on the Temple Mount where Solomon's Temple once stood...they hollow out the Temple Mount in an attempt to destroy any Jewish artifacts which might prove them to be liars...even though the city is NEVER mentioned in their holy book (the Koran), they claim it is their 3rd holiest city.

Now today in the headlines we have more war talk by Muslims in regards to Jerusalem.

PA Minister Threatens War over Jerusalem

The Palestinian Authority religious affairs minster, a week before peace talks in Washington, warned of war if Jerusalem is not “returned” to “its owners. And we are its owners."

With PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas in the audience, Mahmoud Al-Habbash declared in his Friday sermon, "Jerusalem can ignite a thousand and one wars,” according to a translation supplied by Palestinian Media Watch.

Unless Jerusalem "becomes the capital of the Palestinian people, there is no peace," he warned. "The term 'war' will not be erased from the long as Jerusalem is occupied.

“If Jerusalem is dishonored, if Jerusalem is disgraced, if [Jerusalem] is lost, it may leave the door open to all possibilities of struggle, all possibilities of war.

"Jerusalem is not just a city. Al-Aqsa is not just a mosque. Jerusalem is the key to peace…. Unless Jerusalem will be Palestinian, as it was throughout history, the capital of the Palestinian state and the capital of the Palestinian people, the place which is the object of heartfelt longing and which all Muslims aspire to reach; unless Jerusalem is like that way, there is no peace. There is no peace without Jerusalem. There is no stability without Jerusalem.”

See it here;

Sure sounds like the PA is ready to sit down at the table and talk peace with Israel this week in Washington. That should go well!!

Now listen to what the article goes on to say about Barack Obama;

U.S. President Barack Obama, who is scheduled to host Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Abbas this week, has gradually changed his position on Jerusalem. During his 2008 election campaign, he stated that the city is the "undivided” capital of Israel, but he backtracked the next day after Arab protests.

He explained that it was up to the PA and Israel to decide the borders of the city and later stated that he meant the city should not be divided by barbed wire, as it was during the Jordanian occupation between 1948 and 1967.

In his “reaching out Muslims’ speech in Cairo in June 2008, President Obama said he foresees the United Nations flag flying over the city.

Holy catastrophe!! Think about what God says..."I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling....and all who try and move her will injure themselves."

Mr. Obama...if you believe that you can pressure the Jews to divide Jerusalem and then order that half of it be given to a suicidal death cult, currently operating in Gaza, to be used as their had better get ready for a whole lotta shakin'.

And since he is the leader of our country...elected by a majority....we had better be prepared for a whole lotta shakin' too.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Dennis, That was a great video.

    Here is a good news link.

    Bullied' but not surrendering
    US may have forced the PA to the negotiating table but Palestinians will not submit.


