
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Moscow Looks "Apocalyptic"

The fires continue to burn out of control in Russia. Sounds like a combination of drought, record heat (hottest ever!), and mismanagement of forests are going to be the culprits.

Extraordinary levels of smog following wildfires around Moscow have left the streets of the Russian capital looking "positively apocalyptic", writes Moscow-based journalist Brendan Cole for Channel 4 News.

Those streets now look positively apocalyptic, and scarce surgical masks provide an inadequately thin layer between your lungs and the fug of carbon monoxide, sulfur and nitrogen oxides, whose levels on the weekend reached six times higher than what is considered safe.

The daily mortality rate has doubled, there is no room at the morgues for hundreds of bodies and funerals have been delayed because grave diggers are swamped with work.

State of emergency. A state of emergency has been declared in seven regions with, at one point, around 800,000 hectares burning, accelerated by Russia's worst heat wave on record. Temperatures for weeks have soared as high as 40 degrees, 15 degrees above the seasonal norm.

See it here;

Of course this news is interesting because Ezekiel 38 says that God will put hooks in the jaws of the Russian leaders and literally draw them out with their army. They will join a coalition army of Turkey, Iran, Libya and a few other smaller players. They will believe they are seeking something that Israel has (booty) and they also will be led by centuries of Jew hatred....but they will come and gather for war.

While they are gathered and before they can attack, God will supernaturally confuse their armies so they end up turning on each other. They will ultimately destroy each other's armies so that the Israelites won't even have to fight.

When the Jews and the world see this....there will be a large awakening and many will turn to the God of Israel, Isaac and Jacob.

Of course we Christ followers will hope that the rapture has already happened so that we WON'T see this event. That is our blessed hope.

Remember that discontent, unhappiness, bankruptcy, poor living conditions and mankind's inherent need to blame others for their own misfortune USUALLY lead to war. It makes one wonder if the "hooks" spoken of by God in Ezekiel 38 have begun to be set into Magog's jaws?


  1. Russia’s New Police State

    Two new laws give state security officials sweeping new powers—and curb the rights of citizens.

    1)Kremlin’s response: to give the police and the Federal Security Service, or FSB, many more powers. Last month President Dmitry Medvedev made a point of publicly backing a sweeping new law that gives the FSB powers to arrest people on suspicion of planning an act “contrary to the country’s security” before they have actually done anything illegal. The law also establishes fines and detentions of up to 15 days for people seen as “hindering the work of an FSB employee.” The new powers given to the secret police under the new law.

    2)much of the new law would extend the police’s already extensive authority. They would have almost unlimited power to stop and search people and to detain them for up to an hour just to check their documents, a reversal of the presumption of innocence enshrined in the Russian Constitution. Police can also now enter private homes without a warrant.

    It is systematically (and with the full support of Medvedev, apparently) rebuilding the foundations of a police state.

    see it here:

  2. Lost Treasures Return to Russia's Red Square

    A ceremony on Moscow's Red Square today celebrated the restoration of two huge icons that graced two of the Kremlin's gateways for half a millennium before vanishing during the first decades of the atheist Soviet state.

    The icons of Christ and St. Nicholas, key symbols of Russia's national and spiritual history, were apparently saved from destruction by a singular act of insubordination on the part of one or more Soviet-era workers. They were rediscovered in May and since restored to their original glory.

    The Nicholas and Savior towers that dominate Red Square were built in 1491. Czars' carriages and black Politburo limousines have raced under their arched gates. Their great icons -- painted images venerated by Orthodox Christians as windows to a higher world -- were revered as symbols of Holy Russia, blessing coronation processions and sanctifying Muscovite armies going to war.
    The Kremlin's Savior Tower now bears the restored icon of the Savior, concealed since Stalin's time.
    Under the czars, the Savior Tower's icon was considered so holy that Russians were obliged to dismount and remove their hats before passing under it. When Napoleon retreated from Moscow in 1812, he blew up the spire of the Nicholas Tower, but its eastern facade -- and its icon -- remained unharmed, evidence enough for some of miraculous intervention.

    The Savior Tower's icon was painted no later than the middle of the 17th century, but probably earlier. It commemorates the breaking of the 1521 siege of Moscow by Muhammed-Girey, khan of the Crimean Tatars. Jesus is shown with one hand blessing those below, the other holding a Bible. At his feet are the two Russian saints, Sergius and Valaam, who prayed for divine intercession to end the siege.

    After the Russian Revolution of 1917, the militantly anti-religious Soviet government returned the capital from St. Petersburg to Moscow and installed itself in the Kremlin. Officials initially draped the offending Orthodox Christian images with proletarian red calico and repeatedly fired cannons at them. This strategy proved counterproductive when it emerged that the face of Saint Nicholas remained miraculously unharmed. When the wind ripped the calico cloth during May Day celebrations in 1918, revealing the saint's image, believers saw it as yet another holy sign.
