
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Even the Women

Have you guys all noticed how many perverted woman have been arrested in the past handful of years?

Here is another one in the headlines today;

Livermore woman faces 67 charges related to sex with two teenage boys.

He told police he met with Hubbs multiple times for sex acts and twice went with her to a hotel to have sex with her. The boy said the relationship continued until January 2010.

During the investigation, police learned of a second boy, who is now 14, who said he had a sexual relationship with Hubbs from December 2009 through July.

Investigators say Hubbs communicated with the teens by text messages and at times used her cell phone to send sexual messages and nude pictures of herself.

According to court records, the boys said she gave them gifts, mostly gift cards, and money, and drove them in her black, 2006 Hummer to various locations in Livermore and elsewhere in Alameda County to engage in sexual activity.

See it here;

Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 1:26, "Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women abandoned natural relations for unnatural ones."

Of course we are sadenned by men being perverts because they are so easily led astray by their eyes....but when a society has EVEN THE WOMEN turning into porn addicts and child have to know that we may have passed the point of no return when it comes to debauchery.

So when will God give this whole country over to it's shameful lusts? I believe we are about to find out.

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