
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sad Statistics

The Bible is clear that the world will be surprised and caught totally unaware when the rapture of the church happens.....BUT....Paul tells us in 1 Thess. 4 that those who are watching, know God's word and are eager for the return of Christ WILL NOT BE SURPRISED.

I was just talking to Mike last night and we both agreed that if the trumpet started loudly blowing and we started to see graves cracking open and the dead in Christ heading for the clouds.....WE WOULD NOT BE SURPRISED.

This morning Mike sent me some stats from Pastor Charles Stanley that are very sad....BUT should not surprise us.

I. Overview: A large percentage of Americans no longer believe in the truth of God's Word. Most think any belief is acceptable as long as it satisfies those who hold to that view. As a result, people no longer have a clear sense of right and wrong. Violence, greed, and immorality are rampant. However, God's standards haven't changed. The consequences of sin—now and in eternity—remain the same. It's vitally important to base our beliefs on the Word of God so that you and I can be a light to this dark world.

II. What do Americans believe?

A. Only a third of adults believe that the Bible is the fully inspired Word of God and can be taken literally word for word.

B. More than half of all adults surveyed believe that a good person can earn a place in heaven. But Scripture teaches otherwise: Because we are born with a sin nature, Jesus' death was absolutely essential for us to enter heaven. Christ said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me" (John 14:6).

C. Forty-two percent of Americans believe Jesus was merely human, not divine—and that He rebelled against the Father during His lifetime. But Christ had to be absolutely holy for His death to pay the sin-debt of humanity.

D. Six out of ten adults believe Satan doesn't really exist—that he is merely a symbol of evil. As a result, they will find it almost impossible to identify and avoid evil.

E. Of those surveyed, the majority of men and women under the age of 25 think that all beliefs are equally valid. The hopelessness they feel is reflected in school shootings and other crimes committed by young people.

F. Some seminaries teach their students to doubt the Word of God; the result is that fewer and fewer pastors are grounded in biblical principles. It's not surprising that many people in our country lack a Christ-centered moral compass.

As you look at these sad statistics, there is no doubt that Paul will be right when he says the world will be totally caught off guard when the rapture happens and then the Day of the Lord begins. But how sad that most who profess to be Christ followers will ALSO be surprised....because they don't know their Bibles, they don't want to know their Bibles, and even if they do know their Bible...they simply don't believe it.

1 comment:

  1. This is very sad.

    I was just talking to someone who is very close to me about being a true believer in Jesus and the proof that you are one. The comment was made "You don't get to heaven by doing extra credit". What this person was saying was: You don't have to study the Bible to be a believer and that studying the Bible is just "extra credit" That to me is a cop-out (Cop out is an idiom meaning to avoid taking responsibility for an action, avoid fulfilling a duty or does not fulfill expectations) and prideful. How does one know what their purpose is and also knows what God's ultimate goal is for you if you don't bother to read God's word to find out? If they are a true believer I don't want to be them at the Bema Seat of Christ.

    Sorry for the rant, but nominal Christianity has to go. I find myself feeling very pasionate about and thinking about being a true christian and contending for the faith.

    I pray every day that the eyes of this individualsfeerm heart will be opened.

    Pastor Max made a great point on Sunday when he said, "God answers faith not words."

    We fight the good fight of faith.
    Thanks for keeping this blog Dennis.
