Saturday, August 14, 2010

Rising Food Prices=Unrest

The Bible tells us in Revelation that a day is coming during the Tribulation that people will be working all day simply to buy enough food to sustain them for one day.

Why? Because food will be it will be expensive.

Could we be seeing signs that this day is coming?

ANALYSIS-Grain price rise may fuel Mideast, Europe unrest

LONDON, Aug 11 (Reuters) - Rising grain prices from Russia's drought and fires will pressure populations already hit by the financial crisis and could stoke unrest -- particularly in the Middle East, North Africa and parts of Europe.

Wheat prices have risen by nearly 70 percent since June after Russia suffered its worst drought in 130 years and are at their highest since 2008, when the last major food price rally sparked protests and riots in a string of emerging nations.

Analysts warn that if prices stay high then the threat of street violence will increase -- at least up to a point.

See it here;

As the article states....when people get leads to unrest.


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