
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Russian Heatwave

It it being reported that thousands may be dead in Russia as a result of an unprecedented heatwave.

MOSCOW - Several thousand Muscovites are thought to have died in July alone from this year’s unprecedented heatwave and August could add more fatalities to the grim statistics, a Russian scientist said on Tuesday.

Moscow, a metropolis of over 10 million people, suffered from intense heat since late June, with day temperatures sometimes nearing 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit).

The crisis shrivelled a third of Russia’s grain crop, shaved billions off this year’s economic growth and killed at least 54 people in wildfires. The heat subsided on Tuesday.

See it here;

Now here is an interesting question??....could these fires and massive heat waves and crop failures be related to the fact that Russia is helping Iran start up their first nuclear reactor? Russia is actually supplying the nuclear material!!

Coincidence or Godincidence? You decide.

1 comment:

  1. Russian Tycoon Orders Workers to Find God or Get Fired

    A Russian tycoon has told 6,000 workers at his private dairy company that they'll be fired if they've ever had an abortion, or if those who are "living in sin" don't get married within two months.

    Vasily Boiko, who officially changed his name to Boiko-Veliky, which means "Boiko the Great," has set a deadline of October 14 -- a Russian Orthodox Church holiday -- for any of his unmarried employees who live with a partner to get married, or get fired.

    "We have about 6,000 employees, most of whom are Orthodox, and I expect them to be faithful and to repent," Boiko told Reuters last week. His order came in an internal memo to workers at Russkoye Moloko, which means "Russian milk" and whose products are sold in many Russian supermarkets.
