
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Mahdi's Mission

We have talked in the past about the Mahdi, also referred to as the 12th Imam. Many Shiite Muslims believe that a little boy (relative of Muhammad) was put down a well hundreds of years ago and is being held there until Allah wants to usher in the very last days....days when the entire world will be run by sharia law.

Some scholars and watchers (me being one of the them) believe that the 12th Imam may also be one-in-the-same as the Antichrist. There are many things that line up.

With that being said, a reader sent me an interesting link from a Mahdi conference that is held every year. Let it be known that just like many Christians believe we are living in the last do many Muslims. They believe that Mahdi is close....just like we believe the Antichrist is close....and so is the rapture and 2nd coming of Christ.

Check out some info from a recent conference. Note that some of it is VERY true....but remember that it only takes 1% poison mixed with 99% rat food to kill the rat.

At this era, mankind lives in what is called the global village. Technological breakthroughs have brought the different nations closer to each other. New ventures enabled man to send space shuttles to search for signs of life on other planets. As a revolt against an authoritative Church in the Middle Ages, modern scientists opted to think only in the realm of Physics.

As a result, materialism prevailed, while spirituality receded, in man’s life.. The theory of Evolution was systematically presented, displacing the ample evidence of a created man as a tiny creature in a vast universe. Because of dysfunctional man-made laws and disproportionate exploitation of nature’s resources, the human race is heading towards more anarchy, bloodshed, and suffering. Overcrowded cities, reduced productivity, prevailing dependency and consumerism have crippled humanity on a global scale. Unjustifiable wars, unemployment, and inflation can spread like a powerful lighting to harm the entire world.

Islam, as a universal faith, gives mankind hope. Abjuring false Gods and returning to the One True Creator should remove all afflictions from man’s life. Unlike what the Judaic faith claims that God has created and then abandoned mankind, Islam stresses that the Merciful Creator has appointed a Vicegerent who leads humanity towards guidance and felicity. Eventually, this God’s representative will implement the plan of all other God’s envoys. Similar to raising Jesus to Heaven for saving him from his persecutors, Allah has destined for the Mahdi to be in (a lengthy) occultation. His presence is felt by those who believe in God. However, signs for his reappearance, which will proceed Jesus’ second return, are unfolding one after the other. These two heirs of Abraham will join efforts to implement justice and fairness on this Earth after being filled with injustice and tyranny. The Mahdi will deliver his mission on a global scale just before the time ends.

Holy crap! Did you catch that? The "two heirs of Abraham" they are referring to is their belief that Jesus will accompany the 12th Imam when he appears from the well. Now read Revelation and understand that the Antichrist will be accompanied by the "false prophet". What Islam believes to be the Mahdi and Jesus will actually be the Beast (Antichrist) and the false prophet.

If you want to get a feel for what Islam is expecting in the Mahdi's return, then read more of this article here;

Hat tip to Tom.

1 comment:

  1. The Twitter Bible Keeps It Short and Sacred

    The Christian evangelist started his epic precis last Sunday by boiling down the 31 verses of Genesis Chapter One into the charmingly simple: "Gen1: God created the heavens, the earth and everything that lives. He made humankind in his image, and gave them charge over the earth."

    Of course, not every block of the Bible can be so easily abridged. The furious begetting that takes place in Genesis Chapter Five has been shrunk to: "Adam's line was: Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech and Noah. Noah's sons were Shem, Ham and Japheth."

