
Monday, August 16, 2010

Worst Ever Seen

This Pakistan disaster is bad....real bad. Funny how the world's tragic events are happening at such a fast pace that the media can't keep up with them. I would bet that most folks in the U.S. have no idea that a disaster is even taking place in Pakistan.

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said he has never seen anything like the flood disaster in Pakistan, and urged foreign donors to speed up assistance to the 20 million people affected.

Ban's comments after surveying the devastation over the weekend reflect the concern of the international community about the unfolding disaster in Pakistan, which is battling al-Qaida and Taliban militants, has a weak and unpopular government, and an anemic economy propped up by international assistance.

"This has been a heart-wrenching day for me," Ban said Sunday after flying over the hard-hit areas with President Asif Ali Zardari. "I will never forget the destruction and suffering I have witnessed today. In the past I have witnessed many natural disasters around the world, but nothing like this."

And of course, people are already fighting over food.

Earlier Sunday, survivors fought over food being handed out from a relief vehicle close to the town of Sukkur in hard-hit Sindh province, ripping at each others' clothes and causing such chaos that the distribution had to be abandoned, according to an Associated Press reporter at the scene.

"The impatience of the people has deprived us of the little food that had come," said Shaukat Ali, a flood victim waiting for food.

See it here;

Will the government of Pakistan be able to survive this disaster? Where are all the oil-wealthy Muslim nations to help out their Muslim brothers? I would guess you won't see any of them helping. Why? Many Muslims believe that Allah has given the Pakistanis what they deserve....and helping them through this natural disaster would almost be like going against Allah.

One thing for sure, when God withdraws the restrainer (Holy Spirit) that is currently keeping evil at bay on this Satanic planet....all hell will break loose. (2 Thessalonians)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Have a look at this link. It is an overview of Shia Mahdiism.

    The ‘Doctrine of Mahdiism’ is God’s certain vow in the End of History.
    The ‘Doctrine of Mahdiism’ is Shia’s supra-nuclear weapon for conquering the world.
    The ‘Doctrine of Mahdiism’ is the way of Islam development in the world and the window to convert the whole peoples to Islam,

    Note under the participants page how many Christians attended. Have a look at this... Interfaith Union

    It sends chills down my back.

    Yours in Christ,

