
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Americans Enjoying Final Days

One of the newsletters that I receive is from a organization called the National Inflation Association. Their stated goal is to prepare people for hyper-inflation....and they are 100% positive hyper-inflation is coming.

The headline they sent today is a tad bit ominous.

Americans Enjoying Final Days of Artificial Economy

Japan's efforts to postpone a few Japanese corporations going through a brief but tough readjustment period are helping to artificially prop up the standard of living for Americans one last time. NIA believes that the Japanese better be careful what they wish for. Never before in world history has nearly every developed country been in battle with each other to have the weakest currency. Asian producing countries want their currencies to be the weakest so that they can have the honor of shipping their products to Americans who can't afford them.

Currencies are very fragile, especially when they are fiat and backed by nothing. NIA believes that nearly all countries around the world with fiat currencies are currently making the grave mistake of doing everything in their power to debase them. Even a five year old child, if you asked them if they want the money in their piggy bank to be worth more or less, would have the common sense to say more. The world's politicians either don't have this same common sense or they are being paid off by the management of export giants.

A massive outbreak of price inflation is already taking place all around us, as Americans enjoy their final days of our artificial economy that is being propped up by China and Japan. Some people say China and Japan continue to buy and hold U.S. treasuries because of our overpowering military presence, but when they start dumping our treasuries and the bond bubble bursts, the U.S. military regime will come to an end. A U.S. societal collapse is coming...

See it here;

I will remind you that there are some very smart folks out there who are saying that DEFLATION (not inflation) is actually what is in store for America....but regardless of whether it's hyper deflation or hyper inflation, what both sides agree on is that it will probably cause a societal collapse.

Well...that's encouraging.

Does anyone know what a societal collapse looks like? I don't. But I can tell you that if you imagine millions of hungry folks whose paper money has become worthless wandering around looking for food, it's 100% certain their will be violence. Will the police be there? Will FEMA be there? Will the Red Cross be there? Will Team Obama be there?

I don't know. What do you think "societal collapse" looks like? Feel free to leave a comment.

Friends, I have no idea if anything like this is going to happen. I'm guessing that it will...because things like this have ALWAYS happened since mankind started living in cities. Babylon, Jerusalem, Rome, Athens....they ALL experienced societal collapse. But I have NO IDEA when it will happen or exactly where.

Proverbs 22:3 tells us this; "A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it."

How many of us keep plodding along watching TV every night, shopping at Cub every day, going out to eat a few times per week,....while just assuming that life will ALWAYS be like it has been?

Does anyone see danger coming? Are any of us prudent men??

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