
Friday, September 17, 2010

Putin 2012

Of course we watch Russia because most prophecy watchers believe that Magog (Ezekiel 38)refers to Russia and some of the old Soviet satellite countries. The leader of this people will put together a coalition including Iran, Turkey, Libya and a few other minor Muslim players...and will attempt to destroy Israel and take her stuff.

It's referred to as "Ezekiel's War"...and of course it has never happened, but with the recent movement of Iran, Turkey and Libya towards Russia and each other...many believe that the war could be coming in the near future.

Why should this be INCREDIBLY interesting to Holy Spirit filled folks? Because many believe that the rapture of the church will happen BEFORE this war takes place. Read Ezekiel 38 and 39 and see what you conclude for yourselves.

So the headline today that ex-KGB strongman, Putin, is probably going to seek to have the supreme power in Russia in 2012 is quite interesting.

(Reuters) - A Russian government agency has registered the web address Putin-2012.rf in a sign Prime Minister Vladimir Putin plans to run in a presidential election he would seem almost certain to win.

Russia's Federal Bodyguard Service registered six domain names combining Putin's name or initials with "2012," according to the official Cyrillic domain database, It did not do the same for President Dmitry Medvedev.

Putin says he has not decided whether to run in 2012, saying he and Medvedev will decide on a joint candidate closer to the time. But many diplomats and analysts expect him to return to the Kremlin, shunting Medvedev into a lesser post.

See it here;

Remember what Jesus said, "Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as it's twigs get tender and its leaves come out , you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door." (Mark 13:28-29)


  1. Hi Dennis,

    Iran, Turkey Ink MoUs on Cooperation

    Turkey Urges Unimpeded Trade Mechanism with Iran

    Envoy, Lebanon's President Confer on Ahmadinejad's Visit to Beirut

    They are making friends...



  2. Yes they are. Did you also see the headline that Turkey removed Russia and Iran from the list of "concern" regarding their security? One step closer.

  3. Hi Dennis,

    Yes I did see that in the news. I am glad to see peace breaking out. I believe it will be short lived.

    Here is another thought for you. For what it is worth Azerbaijan boarders Iran Turkey and Russia. Italy-Russia-Turkey alliance leads in Rail Project consultant tender in Azerbaijan

    Rail is the best way to move heavy armor. Tanks, and other treaded vehicles can’t be moved on their own power because they break down over long distances. Do some Google searches and have a look at the infrastructure buildup.

    The only thing better than train are ships. See Future of Russian Ports conference in St. Petersburg

    Things that make you go hummm.


