
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Seven Major Signs to Watch

This morning in adult ed we talked about 7 major prophetic signs that we are watching. Since my writing is very poor on a white board and some didn't have pens...I will post them here.

#1 Holocaust and re-emergence of Israel-reference Ezekiel 37

#2 Jerusalem will be a burden to the world-reference Zechariah 12:2-3

#3 Dramatic increase in travel and knowledge-reference Daniel 12:4

#4 Exponential growth in frequency of wars, famines and earthquakes-Matthew 24:3-8

#5 Rise of Magog alliance. Magog is Russia, Meshech and Tubal are the old Soviet satellites and/or all the "stans"....Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, etc..., Persia is Iran, Cush is Ethiopia, Put is Libya, Gomer is Turkey, Togarmah is Turkey, Armenia, and the Turkish speaking people of Asia Minor. Reference Ezekiel 38 and 39.

#6 Rise of Global government and one world currency. Reference Revelation 13:7

#7 Good new of the Gospel preached throughout the world. Reference Matthew 24:14

Also some scripture we referenced this morning were Psalm 83 which speaks of a war coming between Israel and her enemies on her immediate borders and Isaiah 17 concerning the destruction of Damascus.

So start digging through these for yourselves. As Max says, "Whatever you dig out of the Bible for get to keep!"

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Here is a good article. Palestinians not to recognize Israel as Jewish state - Palestinian negotiator

    Seems like this round of peace talks are doomed before they even start.


