
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Wating for the Apocalypse

The number one headline on Google this afternoon is a group of 13 missing people in California. Evidently they had all gone off together to await the Apocalypse.

Believed to be led by Reyna Marisol Chicas, a 32-year-old woman from Palmdale, the group left behind cell phones, identification, deeds to property and disturbing letters before disappearing on Saturday, according to Los Angeles County Sheriff's Captain Mike Parker. Authorities said it appeared they had gone off to await an apocalyptic event.

"Essentially, the letters say they are all going to heaven to meet Jesus and their deceased relatives," sheriff's department spokesman Steve Whitmore said. "Some of the letters were saying goodbye."

"They indicated they were going to the next life, if you will. I'm not quoting exactly, I'm paraphrasing of course, but that's essentially what they said," Whitmore added.

See it here;

Of course one other event that we expect to see more of is the increase in cults and people claiming to have "special knowledge from God" and also false Christs. Jesus warned us of this.

And of course what we are NOT supposed to do is go off into the mountains and wait for Christ's return. The exact opposite is true. We are supposed to remain where Christ has put us... continuing to be salt and light to an ever darkening world and continuing to cultivate relationships with the unsaved souls that Christ has put in our midst.

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