
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Church Not For the Unchurched

I have had the discussion with many about what the role should be for our church.

I use this word picture; Should it be like a donut shop that smells wonderful to everyone and everyone is welcome to stop in, have a free donut and let us make you comfortable....OR....should it be a professional locker room where the athletes are bandaged, fed, cared for and then sent back out onto the football field only to be battered, beat up and bruised some more??

Of course I believe it is biblical that it should be the later.

Today I was sent this article;

This classic controversy with our church though began like so many others from the worship wars of recent years, with a suggestion that we add a “non-traditional” service to the schedule (that’s code for contemporary) “in order to attract and retain young adults,” which is of course, not biblical – a point I repeatedly made in numerous emails to those in leadership that, quite frankly, took its toll on my emotions, energy and writing time. It’s unbiblical because Jesus taught: “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him.” (John 6:44)

You see, when the lost and “unchurched” (I hate that word) are drawn to a place of worship with appealing music and a casual atmosphere rather than to Jesus Christ by the Word of God in repentance and faith, most will leave when the goodies are gone or the newness wears off because they’ve come to the wrong place at the wrong time to the wrong person for the wrong reasons. They’re coming to mere men for momentary gratification instead of to Jesus Christ for eternal salvation.

I cannot overstate this point.

The Church is not just for the redeemed, it is the redeemed – not a recruiting center or halfway house for the undecided and unrepentant, where compromised Christians huddle together to try and figure out how to lure outsiders in by appealing to their flesh instead of courageously taking the Gospel out into the cold cruel world and risk rejection and hardship as we were commissioned by our Lord to do.

See it all here;

Of course it would appear that Mr. Proctor would agree that making a donut shop and offering free donuts IS NOT only's unbiblical!

What is the answer?? Of course it is to answer Jesus' call of the Great Commission. That is an order to ALL OF US to "Go and make disciples". (Matthew 28:19)

So how does that look? We make a relationship with our neighbor. We feed him, clothe him, care for the name of Jesus Christ. When the prompting of the Holy Spirit comes on him and he asks why we have been so caring to him...we give our testimony of how the Lord saved us. We then lead him in Bible study and invite him to accept the Lord Jesus as the ONLY WAY OF SALVATION. When we see the fruit of the Spirit begin to operate in his life and we are certain that he and I are now of like mind...we then invite him to come and join the fellowship of believers that we are all a part of. He now would have full access to the locker room and be able to tap into the food and beverage cart, the bandages, physical therapy room and everything else that would empower him to go out and make disciples himself.

And they go and tell two friends...and so on, and so on, and so on.

If there are 1 billion folks on planet earth who claim to love Christ and claim to obey the Master....the Great Commission would be complete in less than 3 years if each of them only made one disciple per year....and their disciple went on to make one per year.

I am convinced that the reason churches are failing by the droves is because we have refused to obey the Master on his one VERY SIMPLE command.

So instead, we send our pastors to management schools so we can have them learn the latest Rick Warren plans on "How to build a Church".

Let me ask you this.....if given a choice, would you rather go into battle against Al qaida with 100 well armed soldiers who have all their defensive battle shields well fitted and tuned and ALL know how to fire a gun and hit the target....OR....1000 people in flip flops and shorts carrying pea shooters while drinking 20 ounce lattes from Starbucks?

What is your church doing?....teaching folks to socialize and drink Starbucks...OR...teaching them battle techniques, hand to hand combat and marksmanship skills?

Friends, in case you haven't noticed...there is a war going on out there.

Jesus said, "You are either for me or against me." Since that leaves no grey area...let's ask ourselves which side we are on.

Hat tip to Adam G.


  1. Thanks for sharing your pertinent points. For all, I would STRONGLY suggest reading Christless Christianity by Michael Horton ("hat tip" to Chris).

  2. so your saying that the church is for only a select few that belong to the "professional locker room". and as a church, shouldn't you welcome all that are looking to learn and follow Jesus. whether there's donuts or not?

  3. Hi Keenan,
    by definition "The Church" is a body of believers. So how can you have unbelievers in "The Church"? In the same way the Minnesota Vikings locker room is only for Vikings and the people who support them.

    You say "is only for a select few"...isn't it God that calls those select few and not man?..."Those He forknew he called..." (Romans) Didn't Jesus say that the road is narrow and "few" will be on it?

    A body divided will not stand, says Jesus. So how can it make sense to have unbelievers in the church?

    If all of us who claim to be Christ followers were being obedient in the Great commission then people who are looking to learn about and follow Jesus would be getting it from their friends and neighbors...and NOT looking to show up at a church full of believers looking for information.

    If you can find me some biblical references about "The Church" doing the evangelizing I would love to see them. As far as I can tell it seems that it's believers who are supposed to make disciples....and when they are of like mind with the disciple-maker THEN they can come to church...and be of "like mind". (Acts)

    If you have more questions on this I would suggest you read the book recommended by Julie called Christless Christianity by Michael Horton.

  4. Christ also said he didn't come to judge. Of course there is judgement, but it is not ours to judge. Each of us is part of the body, each part plays a different roll. Your idea of God is small and limited. Take your faith where it leads you, but let others do the same. Love brother, Love

  5. Sorry Dave, I have to disagree...Christ said he didn't come to judge when he referred to the FIRST TIME he came. He is saving judgment for the SECOND TIME when he will destroy all people left on earth who took the Mark of the Beast. (Rev. 19:11-18)...and his robes will literally be covered in blood as he treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God.

    When it comes to judging we are told not to look at someone and to claim knowledge of whether or not they are going to hell. Since we can't know their hearts at the point of death....of course we can't know where they will spend eternity.

    However, it is VERY clear we are supposed to judge people within your local church in which you attend. Without making judgments how possibly could you know who is eligible to be Elders, Deacons, nursery workers, etc...? We have to know people and make judgments about whether they are qualified to fill those roles. (1 Timothy 3) Remember it was Jesus himself who said, "You will know them by the fruit they bare." Of course he is saying that just because someone calls himself a "Christian" certainly doesn't mean he is. He could actually be a wolf in sheeps clothing. Jesus warned us about them coming into The Church acting and talking like a brother in Christ...but really he was an ally of Satan sent to deceive and destroy. Those folks are supposed to be expelled from the church. Question for could you expel someone from the church without judging them?

    Read 1 Corinthians 5:12....What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside. "Expel the wicked man from among you."

    So clearly Dave, you must make judgments if you are ever put in leadership within a church.

    Hope this helps to clarify one of the most misunderstood verses (and oft mis-quoted) in the Bible...."Don't judge lest ye be judged."
