
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Divide Jerusalem

When you see this headline in the news you simply need to sit up and pay attention. (Note to reader, the "Holy Basin" is a politically correct way to say "Temple Mount"....since it doesn't offend Muslims.)

Barak: Israel May Divide Jerusalem, Internationalize Holy Basin

Defense Minister Ehud Barak says it is likely that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will agree to divide Jerusalem with the Palestinian Authority.

Barak told the Hebrew-language newspaper Haaretz in an interview published Wednesday that he believes the best chance for peace lies in a peace deal in which all the Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem would be handed over to the PA in order to create a capital for a new Arab country.

As for the “Jerusalem problem,” Barak told the newspaper that the western side of the city plus "12 Jewish neighborhoods that are home to 200,000 residents will be ours.” The neighborhoods in which nearly 250,000 Arabs are living “will be theirs.”

Holy Holy Basin!! Now we have Jews in Israel talking about giving up control of the Temple Mount! What next??

But it appears that Netanyahu has a pretty firm understanding of what the Holy Basin really that appears to be a glimmer of hope for Bible believing Israelis.

“Some politicians are trying to blur the importance of the Temple Mount to the Jewish People by referring to it as the 'Holy Basin',” he told the crowd at the time. “We, as Jews, know who built the Temple Mount.”

See it here;

Anyway, I wouldn't hold my breath that any lasting peace agreement is going to be signed by the Arabs and Jews....even while Obama is rubbing their backs and speaking kind words to them in D.C. as we write this.

There are too many Muslims on planet earth that believe with all their heart the Jews have no right, no claim and no reason to be in Israel at all. And until ALL THE JEWS are gone from the land...they will not rest.

This goes right along with what the Bible told us. There will be NO PEACE in Jerusalem until the fullness of the gentiles is done. And when the fullness of the gentiles is done.... the rapture of the church should happen any second....which spells the end of the Age of Grace.


  1. Hi Dennis,

    Happy fall, It is beginning to get cooler.

    Here is a news article about the Peace talks.

    Senior Cleric Confident about Failure of Israel-PA Talks

    TEHRAN (FNA)- Tehran's provisional Friday Prayers Leader Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami said that the new round of talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority will fail to produce any positive results for the oppressed Palestinian people similar to the previous talks between the two sides.

    Nothing like a positive attitude.

    We will see how things go once building resumes after September 26th.



  2. Hi Dennis,

    Analysis: Saudi wants bigger role in Iraq to counter Iran, This is in line with the Shia interpretations of the Hadiths.

    Yours in Christ,

