
Friday, September 3, 2010

Peace Talks Doomed

Of course we all know that the chance of any lasting peace agreement being hammered out between Israel and the Arabs are zero. There really is no chance. The divide is simply too large.

We also know that the person who WILL be able to bring peace to the region will be the Antichrist. And he may be coming sooner than we think.

So as much as I disagree with everything Ahmadinejad says or does.....he probably is right about this one.

Middle East peace talks are 'doomed to fail', says Ahmadinejad

Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, today launched an angry attack on "doomed" US-brokered Middle East peace talks and urged the Palestinians to continue armed resistance to Israel.

Ahmadinejad used the annual al-Quds (Jerusalem) Day rally in Tehran to scorn the Obama administration's efforts in launching the first Arab-Israeli negotiations in nearly two years.

"What do they want to negotiate about? Who are they representing? What are they going to talk about?" the hardline Iranian leader said of the Palestinian negotiating team in Washington.

"Who gave them the right to sell a piece of Palestinian land? The people of Palestine and the people of the region will not allow them to sell even an inch of Palestinian soil to the enemy. The negotiations are stillborn and doomed."

See it here;

Isn't interesting that Israel's biggest enemies hold an annual celebration called "Jerusalem Day"?

Of course this is simply more evidence of the Satanic hatred that is the power behind the Iranian (and Islamic) leaders. God claimed Jerusalem as His Satan puts on a celebration by people who hate Israel and Jews....and calls it "Jerusalem Day."

I wonder if the world will ever see this pattern? I will now answer my own question;....Nope.

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